Forum Replies Created

Viewing 12 posts - 136 through 147 (of 147 total)

  • RE: Have to save image in the database

    Hi Lucky

    Well yes I have gone thru it and am doing exactly the same. Everything goes amoothly and no error comes but still the image is not getting saved in...

  • RE: Strange Problem

    The guy takes out the report using query analyser only and yes there are more than 255 characters in the column.

  • RE: Strange Problem

    Well tx a lot for that.But I will have to do that again and again or if i set it once it will be there.

    The problem was that the guy who...

  • RE: Truncating the Transaction Log

    I had got this sql from the site only but it doesnt works





    @Statement varchar (2000)


  • RE: How to remove the enter


    Well tx a lot..That solved the purpose....Could you please explain a bit too this solution..

    Well the report just needs to me made and the text has to come in one...

  • RE: Dynamically Create A table


    Here is the entire procedure...



    CREATE      proc proc_LeadReport 

    @StartDate datetime,@EndDate datetime 



    declare @varhd1 varchar(40) 

    declare @varhd2 varchar(40) 


    IF (SELECT DATENAME(dw,dateadd(dd,1,@EndDate))) = 'Thursday' 


     declare @qstr varchar(6000) 



  • RE: Adding Linked Servers


    Please check the sa login id and password u have given for the remote login.Probably it is not correct and so it is not allowing u to access.

  • RE: Deadlock

    Ans1)No there is no foreign Key relationship between Calllist and CaptureCalllist. Also there is no PK in the Calllist table and no index.

    Ans2)The data is inserted into the capturecalllist so that...

  • RE: Deadlock


    The definition of the trigger is like this

    CREATE trigger Tr_Data_update ON dbo.capturecalllist                                                       

    FOR INSERT AS                                                       

    Declare @DispoType Varchar(255)                                                       

    Declare @I3_RowID Varchar(30)                                                       


    Set @DispoType=(Select DispoType From INSERTED)                                                       

    Set @I3_RowID=(Select I3_RowID...

  • RE: Deadlock

    Hi RSharma

    Yes the transaction happens like this only and the updation happend through a trigger which is fired on insertion in table A.

    Well the link u had given was really great...

  • RE: Deadlock

    Well no they do not happen under the same process id...Yes I have gone thrugh it but could not resolve the problem.

  • RE: Created Procedure to delete 2 days old backup

    Why r u creating a procedure for this.When you can do the same from the enterprise manager.When you have scheduled the backup then there only you can specify the criteria...

Viewing 12 posts - 136 through 147 (of 147 total)