Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 15 total)

  • RE: Generating a Bar Code

    How can we edit the binary string, so we can use this code off of our Intranet and not just C:??  I like this Font better that you are using...

  • RE: 70-228 or 70-229?

    That is the same way I did it.  I did 228 first because it's all about T-SQL, etc..  If you know that, 229 will come easier.  IMHO.  I write 229...

  • RE: Selecting only the max row

    I'm returning more then one row, but that 'top 1' is a good idea to remember for other things.  Thanks guys.

  • RE: Deadfull Union - Slow

    I don't know how to post code the right way, but here is a dump of everything....


    View - 17 seconds

    SELECT PO.PlantType,PO.CrossDock,ISNULL(Left(SP.FirstName,1) +' '+ SP.LastName,PO.BuyerId),PO.VendorNumber,PO.VendorName,PO.PlantNumber,PO.PONumber,PO.ItemNumber,PO.PartNumber,PO.POPartDescr,PO.IMPartDescr,PO.ProductCode,PO.ProductCodeDescr,PO.ProductGroupCode,PO.InventoryItem,PO.OrderDate,PO.RequestDate,PO.ShipDate,PO.ReceiptDate,PO.TotalOrderQty,PO.ShipQty,PO.ReceivedQty,PO.UnitPriceCND,PO.UnitPriceUS,PO.ExtPriceCND,PO.ExtPriceUS,PO.LeadDays


    FROM DataWarehouse.dbo.View_PurchaseOrders PO LEFT OUTER JOIN...

  • RE: Deadfull Union - Slow

    I made the changes and the union seems to be working a little more quicker and stable.  Seperate the queries are 8 seconds together.  In the view, it's around 17...

  • RE: Setup Prod/Test Environment

    Well this is kind of a kicker.  There is really only one person doing the SQL (me). lol.   But we have a mainframe guy and another VB guy that like...

  • RE: Deadfull Union - Slow


    Thank you, I never thought about sub-selects slowing things down that much.  I did like you said and put it into a derived table (never thought about doing that either).  ...

  • RE: Deadfull Union - Slow

    Here is the code.   Right now if I run this, it's around 12 seconds.  If I take out both the Where clauses and move this into a view, and then...

  • RE: Hide DTS in EM from Users

    That makes more sense now.  I didn't know new users inherits all the Guest rights.  I created a role and denied a few stored procedures and now the user can't see...

  • RE: Hide DTS in EM from Users

    But it's not a 'Guest' Account.   There is a SQL account created that they are using, which only has access to one database.  The rest are unchecked.  Does that mean...

  • RE: Hide DTS in EM from Users

    Can you elaborate on this?  I'm not sure exactly what you mean.  I have the sql user only having access to one database.   ReadOnly.

  • RE: Hide DTS in EM from Users

    Ya that is what I though.  Thank you for your quick reply.

  • RE: MS Access Locks SQL tables

    Here is what the object looks like.




    The table has 4 columns, CustomerNumber,ShipTo,ProductCode,Discount

    I have a clustered index on CustomerNumber,ShipTo,ProductCode.

    I'm not sure when you mean "maybe it helps to put a clustered...

  • RE: Calling procedure over and over.... can''''t work it.

    The reason I wanted to make it dynamic is because most of the time, they only search the records by a few varibiles, but there is about 20 to pick...

  • RE: Calling procedure over and over.... can''''t work it.

    Wow the Case Statement is very powerful.  Thank you guys so much!!  I've been racking my brain over this for the past few months trying to speed up how I...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 15 total)