Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 95 total)

  • RE: Problems with SQL2005 64 Bit -> Openrowset export to DBF

    Last tiem I checked.. .a 64 bit Jet driver does not exist.

  • RE: SQL Backup "BCH" File

    There doesn't seem to be anything on the Veritas website at all. Anybody have any other suggestions ?


    M Kulangara

  • RE: number parameter with respect to sp

    Thanks, Jason.

  • RE: Linking rows

    Stuart... some more of your ddl would be useful... along with what you expect as a result...

  • RE: Extremely Large Data Load

    Thanks for the responses. When I use Bulk Insert I was able to reduce the insert time to about 4.5 minutes.

    Currently the software architecture is as follows:

    Calculations from a...

  • RE: 100,000 random numbers without cursor

    Thanks guys... the system cross join did the trick... Query speed time from 2 hrs to 5 minutes.



  • RE: 100,000 random numbers without cursor

    Thanks Robert, but unfortunately this doesn't work for me. It turns out that in my implementation, order matters.. and in this solution... we have ascending random numbers from...

  • RE: insert into identity column

    Does the identity 886 exist elsewhere in the Services table ?

  • RE: Multi-task sproc

    If I'm understanding you...

    Why not...

    Insert into Transaction

    --Type One

    Select ... from ...

    union all

    --Type Two

    Select ... from ...

    union all

    Select ... from ...


  • RE: Create DLL for to use in extended stored procedures

    You do not need to create a dll to do this. Consider using xp_sendmail for email and a variet of methods are available to create files.

  • RE: Create DLL for to use in extended stored procedures

    What specifcially are you trying to do ?

  • RE: backing up the deleted record

    use a trigger instead...

    /*some_master_table_hist has same structure as some_master_table except for a date field


    create trigger tr_delete_example

    on some_master_table

    after delete



    insert some_msater_table_hist

    select *,getdate()

    from deleted


  • RE: Generate Dates not in table

    declare @attendance table


    employee_id char(3),

    in_time datetime not null,

    out_time datetime not null,

    count_to_date as convert(datetime,convert(varchar(12),in_time,101)),

    hours_worked as datediff(minute,in_time,out_time)


    declare @holidays table


    holiday_date datetime not null,

    descriptor varchar(50),

    primary key(holiday_date,descriptor)


    insert @holidays

    select '12/25/2006','Christmas'

    insert @attendance(employee_id,in_time,out_time)

    select '111','2006-03-25 09:11:07.077','2006-03-25 10:11:07.077'


    select '111','2006-12-25 23:11:07.077','2006-12-26 06:37:07.077'


  • RE: Data extraction from Multiple Tables

    If I'm understandnig you....I'd solve this something like this...

    --a generic sales person name

    create table sales_person


    sales_person_id int identity(1,1) primary key,

    person_name varchar(100)



    --a generic product_list

    create table product


    product_name varchar(100) primary key,

    product_cost money default 0.00




  • RE: Asp.Net Datagrid Issue

    Actually in this case Set NoCount was off...but had to SET ANSI_WARNINGS OFF.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 95 total)