Forum Replies Created

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

  • RE: Automated Monitoring Database Size Using sp_spaceused

    The line:

    MIN(row_count) AS Rows,

    Returns incorrect results for partitioned tables.

    It shoudl read:

    SUM(row_count) as Rows,

    to correctly sum the rowcount across all partitions.

    As for the exclusion of XML data, does the subquery (LOBDATA)...

  • RE: No SFTP Task Component in SSIS 2005/2008? No Problem!

    If you don't want usernames and passwords, you can always use certificate based authentication.... Of course then, the issue with the key on the server changing becomes that much...

  • RE: Subscriptions from Reporting Services get unintelligable job names in SQL Server Agent

    Prakash.Bhojegowda (2/13/2008)

    Thanks Jason,

    Would you mind taking a look at another question that I have?

    I have a Network Load Balanced Web Farm ( 2 Nodes configured as Active - Active) with...

  • RE: How to view data differently?

    From SQL BOL (index value "joins-SQL Server, null values")

    Null Values and Joins

    When there are null values in the columns of the tables being joined, the null values do not match...

  • RE: Full Text Gatherer

    Are the 3 machines that are failing on the same network as the machine from which you are starting the full text indexing?

    We have a situation where Production is a...

  • RE: Backup using DB Main. Plan

    Good point about disk quota's.  Can you backup the failing database using TSQL to the same directory?  If not, I would suspect the disk system (quotas, free space, etc).  If...

  • RE: Copy from one DB to another with QA

    You can always use the brackets, but if there is not a special character, you won't need it. The name of the server is the name of the linked...

  • RE: Terminal Services - A Couple Tips

    Great article and some great tips in the comments, but we have one issue that I would like to see if anyone has any answer to....

    We use Term Serv to...

  • RE: Gathering Random Data

    Another method would be to use a combination of the RAND() and NEWID() functions with the Checksum function. You could use the following function to seed the rand function...

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)