Forum Replies Created

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)

  • RE: normalizing SQL configurations (and a "hopeful" regarding denali)

    Seems it's more of an issue with your ETL framework than with a limitation of SSIS. You have three rows in your configuration table, each associated with a different configuration...

  • RE: Data Warehouse Development: Version 0

    I think we're in agreement. If you need to convince executive management of the need for a data warehouse, "Version 0" would serve a vital purpose. There's a right way...

  • RE: Data Warehouse Development: Version 0

    magarity kerns (4/7/2011)

    I think the first assertion needs a slight modification; a first version DW should produce one reporting subject area, not just one report. From there, it's a question...

  • RE: Data Warehouse Development: Version 0

    Great article. But I'd take it one step further. While automating a manually produced report that takes days if not weeks to produce might be the ultimate goal, a report...

  • RE: Sins of SQL: The Time Table

    If you have seperated date/time dimensions, the number of possible cells in the multidimensional space that need storing individually will be the same, since the conceptual space is the cross...

  • RE: Sins of SQL: The Time Table

    To continue on my previous post,

    Second, point reasoning. You ideally want your multidimensional structures to be dense as possible. Every combination of every member of every attribute hierarchy...

  • RE: Sins of SQL: The Time Table

    I'd like to apologize to the author because I'll confess, I read the title and the first paragraph and was immediately enraged. This approach should never replace the Date and...

  • RE: Sins of SQL: The Time Table

    Steven James Gray (6/3/2010)

    Martin Mason (6/2/2010)

    Whoa. Timeout. If you're talking about SSAS, your argument only considers partition processing, NOT dimension or aggregation processing SPACE, TIME, or MEMORY CONSUMPTION. With separate...

  • RE: Sins of SQL: The Time Table

    If your goal is to garner attention, you have succeeded nicely. Unfortunately, it's probably not the kind of attention that you want. Going forward, I will be...

  • RE: Sins of SQL: The Time Table

    Doing any kind of query on your kind of dual dimension approach becomes pretty evil. You effectively are unable to do efficient date-range queries (i.e. 01 March 2009 10:00 through...

  • RE: Sins of SQL: The Time Table

    YSLGuru (6/1/2010)

    Martin Mason (6/1/2010)

    I couldn't disagree with an article more. The author should read Chapter 2 of Kimball's The Data Warehouse Toolkit for a proper way to handle dates and...

  • RE: Sins of SQL: The Time Table

    I couldn't disagree with an article more. The author should read Chapter 2 of Kimball's The Data Warehouse Toolkit for a proper way to handle dates and times in a...

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)