Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 42 total)

  • RE: How to increase package performance?

    True true.

    But we have to add in a few other columns of data as it is loading. I believe I am unable to manipulate the data as it is...

  • RE: Running packages from VBscript

    Another I idea that I have grown to love is actually not calling the packages from the page but from a Stored Proc.

    I find it is much easier to call...

  • RE: 4 Excel Columns into one

    Start with a simple DTS from your XLS file to Table.

    In the DTS select the 4 columns from the source file and the one col in the destination table, create


  • RE: Running DTS Package from Stored Procedure

    IF scheduling the pack is not possible I like triggering DTS from Stored Procs.

    -- <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<DECLARE @objPackage int

    DECLARE @PackageName varchar(128)

    DECLARE @rc int

    DECLARE @ServerName varchar(128)

    DECLARE @DatabaseName varchar(128)

    SET@PackageName = 'DTS_Example'

    SET@ServerName =...

  • RE: Why is this so hard?

    Thanks Sal,

    I have done further testing on this and found:

    I have a Stored proc triggering a DTS package, the package transforms a file to table, using an active x script....

  • RE: Use Filename as Part of Transformation

    Not sure how you are triggering the package. If you are calling it from a page or proc you could try this:

    Try sending the file name 20030811.csv as a...

  • RE: Text File Source trailing spaces

    Have you tried setting the row delimiter to {lf}{cr}{lf}.

    This can easilt be set when you select your csv file.

  • RE: Global Variables Not Updating

    I too have the same problem with Output Global Vars


    Even this simple string is not returned to the calling procedure, where as if I set this value as the default...

  • RE: How to know when File is done FTPing?

    Thank you for the responses

    I like the idea of the tickler file and will give that a try.


  • RE: Undocumented Return Trick?

    Thank you all for the posts

  • RE: Undocumented Return Trick?

    I figured it was ust something along those lines.

    Thank you

  • RE: Undocumented Return Trick?

    I have done some follow tests with this sp and found the following:

    Both Return and Recset return if return is using a 'select count(*)...'

    The Recset does not return if returning...

  • RE: Undocumented Return Trick?

    I guess I got hung up on the

    Statements following RETURN are not executed.

    But statements are executed after?

  • RE: Undocumented Return Trick?


    Exits unconditionally from a query or procedure. RETURN is immediate and complete and can be used at any point to exit from a procedure, batch, or statement block. Statements following...

  • RE: Delete worksheet in Excel

    Interested in something along these lines.

    Truncate table results in a syntax error when I try from an Execute SQL Task.




Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 42 total)