Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 49 total)

  • RE: Diagrams

    I always do this in Query Analyzer.. I just keep the script handy in my Tips_n_Tricks folder and use it when I need it.

    Doing this in DTS.. I dunno.. it...

  • RE: Diagrams

    If you want to import just ONE diagram by name.. do the following using Query Analyzer..

    /* Create this table if it doesn't already exist in your target DataBase


  • RE: Join Problem.... Help....

    If you really want to use the NOLOCK option, try it like this:

    select org.*

    from  sysusers org with (nolock) 

    inner join (select distinct dm1.UID as UID

          from  sysobjects dm1 with (nolock)


  • RE: Export to Excel

    Hmmm.. I tried renaming your example, Lowell and it didn't work using Word 2k3...

    Ideas, comments or snide remarks?

  • RE: zip code database

    I was playing around once, curious about the mileage thing as well and came up with a query using a local zipcode as a sample.

    I normally document this stuff when...

  • RE: Move large data from view to permanent table

    Your view does reference real tables in the SELECT statement of the view.  Look at the JOINs in your view and be sure to have an index on both sides...

  • RE: zip code database

    Float seems to work.. but then again, I'm not using LAT/LON to calculate anything..

  • RE: zip code database

    You're fine, Erik.. I've had mine in use since Aug 2000 without any problems - other than being a bit on the stale side...

  • RE: zip code database

    Mike is correct.. be careful when you buy Data.  If you want to use the data forever (plus some) then you want to buy TEXT files, not some data returned...

  • RE: zip code database

    We bought a Zipcode database a few years back and it does what we needed at the time and we have not updated it since.. although we could probably use...

  • RE: Dynamically populating table name in SPROC?

    Shooting from the hip, (i.e. no Query Analyzer)... Two things come to mind:

    1. if the data is NOT duplicated in the archive with the current orders (i.e., Orders has records...

  • RE: DTS loop to send each customer''''s data into a separate Excel file

    This isn't an exact solution.. but maybe you can adapt this for your situation.  I don't know how to loop it in a DTS pkg, but you could call this...

  • RE: how to make this simple query to query date without time

    Ok.. every now and then I post part of this.. maybe it's time to post the whole enchilada.   Some of this is mine.. some is attributed to those smarter than...

  • RE: Send Mail attachment

    Here's something I use... hopefully I haven't hacked it apart too much...  Just substitute the correct server and DB names where indicated..

    - hth - Mark


     @mailto1 AS VARCHAR(200),

     @qvar1 VARCHAR(4000)

     SET @qvar1...

  • RE: Sum and Convert issue, query not working

    The code below will produce identical sums for each company but it illustrates how to sum(seconds).  Mess around with the variables if you want or manually manipulate the datetime values...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 49 total)