Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 80 total)

  • RE: SQL Puzzle - Update


    That worked nicely, thank you very much.


  • RE: SQL Puzzle - Update

    My apologies on the AcctNo column, it should have been VARCHAR(50), that was a typo. The source data for both seqno and acctno is character data and not intergers.

  • RE: Computed Column Performance/Static Value

    The computed column is persisted.

    [jobdescription_short] AS (CONVERT([varchar](350),[jobdescription],(0))) PERSISTED,

  • RE: Undocumented Extended and Stored Procedures

    Here's a caveat you can add to running sp_who2 to get just the running processes.

    exec sp_who2 active

  • RE: The Differences Between SQL Server 2000 and 2005

    Good article Steve, your research always helps the rest of us. 


  • RE: Error trying to run query across servers

    Is the Distributed Transaction Coordinator service running?


  • RE: restoring a backup

    That's what I'm hoping to get across to you.  You can't apply any differential backup that was taken prior to the full backup you've restored from 11/21.  As long as...

  • RE: restoring a backup

    You're trying to apply a differential backup that was taken prior to the full backup you've restored.  You can't do that, they're out of sequence. 



  • RE: restoring a backup

    So are you saying you have tried to restore the full backup from 11/21 and the differentials prior to your delete on 11/28 and the data is not there?


  • RE: Developers and DBAs


    It sounds to me like you are better off for moving on.  From what you described, my perception of the problem is somebody was threatened by your abilities.  It's sad...

  • RE: Database Snapshots in SQL Server 2005

    I was all ready to start trying this until I read:

    3.  Performance of the source database is reduced, due to increased I/O on the source database resulting from a copy-on-write...

  • RE: Table Variables

    There is an initiative here to get rid of the UDFs and rewrite them and make them stored procedures.  I can thankfully say this app was before my time here...

  • RE: Table Variables

    We have an application that was written by a consulting firm; they wrote a ton of UDFs that utiliize Table Variables.  We had one report in particular that was really...

  • RE: Querying System Tables

    I appreciate articles like this; even though I've been a DBA for a while I almost always see something in this type of article that I didn't know.  I think it's...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 80 total)