Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 27 total)

  • RE: Problems with transferring access files with PK!

    I have the same problems. Also, it happens when transferring data from SQL Server to Access, PK marks disappear.

    Generally I use DTS Import/Export Wizard, and some PK values are combiations...

  • RE: Assigning value

    Hi Jonathan,

    The following setting works well.

    set @sqlquery = N'select @thisID = QUESTIONID from ' + @currentTbl +


  • RE: Assigning value

    Hi Jonathan,

    You are right. I am trying to the sp_executesql way. However, I still have a problem when I run the following script.

    declare @sqlString nvarchar(100)

    declare @paremeter nvarchar(100)

    declare @intVar ...

  • RE: How to get the real USER_NAME?

    Good idea, I'll try this way.

    Thank you very much!

  • RE: How to get the real USER_NAME?

    Unbelievable. Is it so easy?

    Well, appreciate your advice.

  • RE: How to get the real USER_NAME?

    Yes, of course. But what do you mean? I didn't get it this time. Sorry.

  • RE: How to get the real USER_NAME?

    I agree with you about ‘sa’ account. My question is if I don’t use ‘sa’ to connect ODBC, which account should I use?

    I am thinking your suggestion that tables have...

  • RE: How to get the real USER_NAME?


    I have read your suggestions seriously. But I still have some concerns and like to discuss with you.

    1. We use ODBC connection rather than MTS middle tier. It...

  • RE: bcp in a trigger for delete

    Thanks for your reply.

    It's okay for me to run the bcp command in a Command Prompt.

    Although I changed the code as follows, the trigger seems hang in there forever.

    DECLARE @FileName...

  • RE: bcp in a trigger for delete

    You are right. In addition, using bcp to copy data from a local tempporary

    table isn't possible, but global temporary tables do the work.

    However, I run into another issue....

  • RE: Missing PK mark(s)

    Hi Frank,

    In general, I use DTS Import/Export Wizard to complete this task. You know, it's simple just to point out the source, the destination, and tables. During the transferring, nothing...

  • RE: A job failed with no reason

    I got the reason by using 'Output file'. Some date made me crazy.

    Appreciate you both.

  • RE: A job failed with no reason

    I use System Account for both SQL Server and SQL Server Agent. No change to dbo.

    Any other possible reasons?


  • RE: How to keep and restore the deleted records?


    Your ideas are great and I’m going to try bcp.

    For a5xo3z1, your question is good. Actually, our data is used to statistical research. So some dirty data must be...

  • RE: How to keep and restore the deleted records?

    Good idea.

    One more detail, do you mean insert a copy of whole table into the Pending Deletes?

    Would you advise me how to restore the table

    if I choose this way?



Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 27 total)