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    I found how to do it with the Enterprise Manager, but can't find any reference in BOLS to do it through T-SQL







  • RE: SELECT LIKE statment

    Stupid question, but what is books on line?



  • RE: SELECT LIKE statment

    I guess I should have asked...what statement in the code you provided, instructs the server to automate the updates on that particular column?



  • RE: SELECT LIKE statment

    I think SEEK would be faster...just a hunch.


    So in short, the index is in place to speed up the query?

    What performs the automated...

  • RE: SELECT LIKE statment

    What is the difference between a seek and a scan? 


    I don't see why I can't just do this:

    ALTER TABLE dbo.dmvrequest ADD

    claimraw AS ltrim(rtrim(replace(DRclaimNumber, ' ', '')))

    That gives me the new...

  • RE: SELECT LIKE statment


    But why do I need an index on this new column?  I thought the LIKE function doesn't work on Indexes.



  • RE: SELECT LIKE statment does the computed column update itself?


    and, what is an index scan and why is that bad?


  • RE: SELECT LIKE statment

    If I'm using the replace function when creating this new column, how come I can't just use the replace function when doing the original query?  That way I wouldn't have...

  • RE: SELECT LIKE statment

    Oh I see...

    I ran the query and got this error:

    Warning! The maximum key length is 900 bytes. The index 'IX_serialnumbers_serialsnospaces' has maximum length of 8000 bytes. For some combination of...

  • RE: SELECT LIKE statment

    Oh I see....

    What does EPNOM mean?  I googled it and couldn't find much of anything.



  • RE: SELECT LIKE statment

    Ok, I understand creating an index...but what is dbo.Temps?  Is that a table that I first need to create?  And I assume the demo table is the table I'm using...

  • RE: SELECT LIKE statment

    Forgive my ignornace, but how does one create an indexed calculated column that strips out the spaces?


  • RE: Multiple inserts

    Is REMI a computer?  "his" answers seem so quick and concise, it's like it's coming from a computer.  If he really is human, I hope he makes $$$.


  • RE: Building Tables

    Thanks for the link, I'll print that out and read it over lunch.


    Here are my current tables:

    if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[FG_school_Info]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable')...

  • RE: Multiple inserts

    Thanks guys...

    So should I just redesign using only one table?  I can't change the form, because that is the info the people at school want and need. 

    I just thought...

Viewing 15 posts - 121 through 135 (of 217 total)