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Viewing 15 posts - 196 through 210 (of 217 total)

  • RE: Combining SELECT statements


    Potentially all of them...except fields that contain 'date entered', 'modified by', 'created by' etc....


  • RE: Combining SELECT statements

    I'm not sure what your query is...are you replacing all of the left joins or are you just replacing the final WHERE clause so that it looks like:

    SELECT SQ.*, DEdescription,...

  • RE: Combining SELECT statements


    Ok, I looked up Isnull and I don't see how it will help with my query.

    It seems like I was on the right track with my original query. 

  • RE: Combining SELECT statements


    Is that a built-in sql server function?  I'll have to do some research on it.





  • RE: Combining SELECT statements


    But doesn't the ISNULL function just replace the specified ID with a zero if it is NULL?  What would this do?

    Sorry to sound ignorant.



  • RE: Combining SELECT statements


    I'm sorry, but I totally cannot comprehend this: where "wanted id" in (isnull(colid1,0), isnull(colid2,0), isnull(colid3,0)).

    I've never done a query that looks even remotely like that.

    So do you think I can't...

  • RE: Combining SELECT statements

    The data can be modified by the students.  When I do the select statement...if I ever get it working, I am going to populate a form with the returned data.






  • RE: Combining SELECT statements

    In the script, all the schoolrequests(SLid) are listed out in tabular format.   A student can click on the SLid that he/she wants and that will open up a new window...

  • RE: Combining SELECT statements

    The problem is, I can't get all of that information assembled correctly.  Right now, I've gotten it to the point where I can gather all the data except the diaryentry...

  • RE: Combining SELECT statements

    Here is one row from the schoolrequest table with corresponding rows from the diaryentry and academicoffice tables. Keep in mind that there can be multiple diary entries with the same...

  • RE: Combining SELECT statements

    Replacing the INNER JOINS with LEFT JOINS gave me all the data I need EXCEPT the diary data....



  • RE: Combining SELECT statements

    Does that replace empty records with '0'  ?



  • RE: Combining SELECT statements


    Or maybe I want to LEFT JOIN all of the columns instead of INNER JOIN??

  • RE: Combining SELECT statements


    The only thing I'm trying to filter out is when DEdeletedDate is not null(signalling that it was deleted).

    The query is supposed to get all the data for a specific SLid. 

    BTW the SLid=DEkeyValue...

  • RE: Combining SELECT statements

    Thanks for your quick reply Remi.  I hope you make a great deal of money dealing with SQL because you deserve it.

    Anyway, I tried your modified query and noticed something...

Viewing 15 posts - 196 through 210 (of 217 total)