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Viewing 15 posts - 151 through 165 (of 217 total)

  • RE: Multiple inserts

    I am doing it this there a better(faster) way of doing it?



    ...for each line.



  • RE: Multiple inserts

    Wow, this script is getting long with all those Trim() statements!


    Anyway...I'm now getting a different error:

    Error 500: Internal Server Error

  • RE: Multiple inserts



    Set MyParam = SERVER.CREATEOBJECT ("ADODB.Parameter")

    MyParam.Name = "@SRcomments"


    MyParam.Size = 150

    MyParam.Direction = adParamInput

    MyParam.Type = adVarChar

    and the function would be like what you have above?

    Function SetVars(SRvalue)

    if SRvalue = "" Then

    MyParam.Value = null


    MyParam.Value = SRvalue


  • RE: Multiple inserts

    I don't see how I can insert a null with the code you provided...I don't see how it would fit into the structure/flow of the code.



  • RE: Multiple inserts


    How can I account for nulls with a script like this?

    Can I use trim() to trim the stuff from request.form?


  • RE: Multiple inserts

    Thanks Remi,  I will try that.

    BTW, does the code look right?  At least from glancing at it?


  • RE: Multiple inserts

    Hi guys!  It's me again....stop cringing!

    I completed the script...but it's still giving me a "page cannot be displayed" error.   I've checked all the...

  • RE: Multiple inserts


    Hi Remi....

    I spent the weekend trying to get the big insert asp page to work, but it keeps giving me a 'page cannot be displayed' error when I hit 'submit'...

  • RE: Multiple inserts

    Sushila,  thanks, that is what I meant.  I do copy & paste all time!



  • RE: Multiple inserts


    No complaining, just trying to understand.  I've been looking on MSDN, and other sites, but I can't find a explanation on how to pass a bunch of parameters like what...

  • RE: Multiple inserts


    Can't I just pass it like you would a function?



     MyCmd.CreateParameter(SRrequestDate,  SRschoolNameFirst,  SRschoolNameLast,  SRschoolCompany,  SRschoolBranch,  SRschoolAddress1,  SRschoolAddress2,  SRschoolCity,  SRschoolState,  SRschoolZip,  SRschoolPhone,  SRschoolFax,  SRschoolEmail,  SRschoolRegion,  SRschoolSupervisor,  SRschoolclaimType,  SRschoolDateOfLoss,  SRschoolInsured,  SRschoolClaimNumber,  SRschoolPackaging,  SRschoolContactPrefs, ...

  • RE: Multiple inserts

    If I can write this out just once, then why did Remi write it out for each and every variable?  There must be a method to his madess

  • RE: Multiple inserts


    How come I just can't do this once? 


    Dim MyCn

    Set MyCn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

    Set MyCmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")

    MyCn.Open = "DSN=OSUNet;UID=xxxx;PWD=xxxxxxxx"

    Set MyCMd.ActivateConnection = MyCn

    MyCmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc

    MyCmd.CommandText = "dbo.sp_biginsert"



  • RE: Multiple inserts


    wait now I'm confused.   What would take me days to rewrite??




  • RE: Multiple inserts


    Ok, all those lines now look like this:

    Set MyParam = SERVER.CREATEOBJECT ("ADODB.Command")

    MyParam.Name = "@SRschoolNameFirst"

    MyParam.Value = SRschoolNameFirst

    MyParam.Size = 150

    MyParam.Direction = adParamInput

    MyParam.Type = adVarChar

Viewing 15 posts - 151 through 165 (of 217 total)