Forum Replies Created

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

  • RE: QOD for 19/06/03

    I agree with eletuw, I discounted the option because as eletuw pointed out the user doesn't have Enterprise Edition.

  • RE: Maintaince Plan Failure

    Thanks Andy - I have looked over all the jobs running on the server to see if any one of them would interfere with the maintainance plan. I cannot find...

  • RE: SQL Jobs getting Stuck


    After scouring the internet lookiong for solutions to my problem I seem to have least a solution which is working so far (/me touches wood)

    The problem seems entirely based...

  • RE: SQL Jobs getting Stuck

    most of schedules were done by scheduling the DTS package to start at a certain time.

    I have tried refreshing the individual jobs but they still stay on the same message.


  • RE: SQL Jobs getting Stuck

    They Are scheduled to run on a daily basis when the business is closed and no-one is accessing the SQL Server.

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)