Forum Replies Created

Viewing 12 posts - 31 through 42 (of 42 total)

  • RE: The Problem Is You


    The vast majority of the SSC Community truly appreciate your efforts, including any occasional errors that might be made. I would think that a "newbie" would have better things...

  • RE: Do You Need an IT or CS Degree to be a Successful DBA?

    While I don't believe that you need a degree to succeed, I do belive that it helps to open a lot of doors. I've got degrees in Business and...

  • RE: Manners

    I think that the standard rule of thumb one should use when seeking somone's assistance is that a "reasonable" attempt should be made to troubleshoot and resolve an issue before...

  • RE: The Disappearing DBA

    There is sooooooo much truth in this article.

    In many ways being a DBA is much being a Custodian. As long as the facilites stay in working order, no one...

  • RE: Mini-Me

    I regularly write SQL queries to check for certain conditions in my data. We've developed a system used to automate the calculation of Teacher Bonuses that are based on...

  • RE: Query

    Maybe I'm missing something, but I would think that datename(m,join_date) like '%a%' would also pull data for the month of August effectively rulling it out as a possbile solution,...

  • RE: Ambition

    I agree with Steve.  I've been in the industry for 14 years and rarely do I miss personal events in order to work.  In the few occasions that I've made...

  • RE: The Remote Life

    Hi Steve,

    Several years ago, I had the opportunity to work from home as a private consultant.  Although this scenario definitely presented a unique set of challenges/distractions, I found that by...

  • RE: The End of the Line

    I look forward to the day that I can retire from the regular work week, but I doubt that I'll ever get completly away from database development and the desire...

  • RE: SQLAgent job fails on FTP

    I was having the same problem and it appears that I was able to resolve it by reimporting the package but setting the Package Protection Level to teh very...

  • RE: Bad Eyes

    I started a career as a developer in 1992.  My nearsighted vision gradually worsened until early 2001 when I had LASIC done.  Although I can't can't say for certain that...

  • RE: How to add a field to a table

    Try this:

    --NOTE: Change TableName and ColumnName to respective values.

    IF NOT (SELECT object_id('dbo.TableName') as idnum)IS NULL


    IF NOT exists(SELECTt o.* from dbo.sysobjects o JOIN syscolumns c ON c.Id = o.Id WHERE...

Viewing 12 posts - 31 through 42 (of 42 total)