Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 54 total)

  • RE: Raking in Cube - Dimension Hierarchy


    Sorry to answer my own post but I have found the correct solution:

    Iif ( IsEmpty ([Measures].[Volume]), null,


    [Entity].[User Name].CurrentMember,

    Exists ([Entity].[User Name].[User Name],


  • RE: Limiting Dimension with Roles not working

    Me again ... 🙂

    If you don't want the totals to show in Excel, just tick the "Enable Visual Totals" box in the "Dimension Data" tab of the Role and voila!!


  • RE: Limiting Dimension with Roles not working

    Sorry to reply to my own post again but I have made some progress.

    In the Role if I specify a Default Value in my "Dimension Data" tab I get the...

  • RE: Limiting Dimension with Roles not working


    For anybody interested I have managed to solve part of my problem.

    I have removed the <domain>\<user> from the list of Users specified in the Security properties in Management Studio.

    In Excel...

  • RE: NULL Values in Fact Table results in empty Cube


    Thanks for your reply.

    I have finally managed to get round my issue by modifying my DSV Dimension Tables in order to include a -1 Id associated to an "Unallocated" entry....

  • RE: Calling SSRS from Java

    For anybody interested here is the solution:



    import javax.xml.rpc.holders.ByteArrayHolder;

    import javax.xml.rpc.holders.StringHolder;

    import javax.xml.soap.SOAPElement;

    import org.apache.axis.client.Call;

    import org.apache.axis.message.SOAPHeaderElement;

    import org.apache.log4j.Logger;



    public class GenerateReport {

    public void GenerateReport(String...

  • RE: Calling SSRS from Java


    Thanks for taking the time to answer my question.

    We can access the report directly by selecting the hyperlink. The report displays and render nicely in IE so there is no...

  • RE: Loop through multiple excel files

    This may be due to the fact that you do not have a file with the correct name in the directory specified in the properties of your Container.

    Put an .xls...

  • RE: Loop through multiple excel files


    Please bear in mind that this is only part of the solution you are looking for.

    In the past I have used the following in order to loop through different Excel...

  • RE: MDX Query - Simple Count(*)

    Here is my solution which may not be the best but here we go:

    (<dimension0>.&[VALID], measures.Count) + (<dimension0>.&[INVALID], measures.Count)

    Voila sorted!

    That gives me the number of records which are either VALID or...

  • RE: MDX Query - Simple Count(*)


    Thanks for the answer.

    Unfortunately when I do that I get the following error:

    "The <dimension0> hierarchy appears more than once in the tuple.



  • RE: MDX Query - Simple Count(*)


    Unfortunately there are more options that just VALID and INVALID so I need something to filter the result.


  • RE: MDX Query - Calculation Scope

    For anybody who's interested here is the solution.

    Let's say that you have a meaure that tells you how many records you have in your set. That's an existing measure presented...

  • RE: MDX Query - Calculation Scope

    Still no joy I'm affraid.

    Following more testing it down on me that if you create a Member which uses only Measures from the Cube the Where Clause is used. If...

  • RE: MDX Query - Calculation Scope

    Thanks for the info.

    I will investigate and will hopefully find an solution.


Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 54 total)