Forum Replies Created

Viewing 12 posts - 16 through 27 (of 27 total)

  • RE: Unable to load client print control

    Low Rider (10/15/2009)


    we are getting a similar error if the client is using a VPN connection to access our application.All users

    who are connected via the local intranet do not face...

  • RE: Unable to load client print control


    we are getting a similar error if the client is using a VPN connection to access our application.All users

    who are connected via the local intranet do not face the control...

  • RE: Database Mirroring and Log Files

    Hi ,

    i had a doubt regarding log backups on a principal mirrored database.If the database state is not in

    synchronized state and if i take a log backup , will i...

  • RE: Reindexing a table with scan density 99%


    I have a schecdule job which reindexes the table every 4:00 Am and for now have scheduled it for every 8:00 AM,but still the same result.I am unable to...

  • RE: Unable to load client print control

    Hi Bart,

    we had a similar problem which was resolved by your post.Thanks a lot.

    Can we know how u found the resolution of the problem.

    thanks again.

  • RE: Timstamp for transaction logs in SQL 2005

    Ya i guess it's not much of a problem as the log shipping is in sync.I was just thinking whether its a bug or something.

    thanks anyways..

  • RE: Timstamp for transaction logs in SQL 2005


    i am in the India time zone GMT+ 5:30

  • RE: Scheduled Job fails with Process Exit Code -1073741819


    u could test the connectivity of the OSQL job by creating another job with same login parameters and executing a test procedure which could insert a row in a...

  • RE: sql ebook


    if u r a beginner to SQL then Murach's SQL for SQL server is a good book to learn the basics.Try the book review's on to find out which...

  • RE: Scheduled Job fails with Process Exit Code -1073741819

    Hi many times a detailed message is not dispayed when u  see the step details in the job history section.A better way to view the errors is to create a...

  • RE: easy question...

    The recovery model of the restored database will be that of the backed up database.If the recovery model while taking a backup is  'full' then on restoration of the database the recovery...

  • RE: Dynamic SQL

    do u mean this...........................?

    declare @var as int

    declare @sql as varchar(1000)

    select @sql = 'declare @var as int select @var = count(*) from  table_A select @var'

    exec (@sql)

Viewing 12 posts - 16 through 27 (of 27 total)