Forum Replies Created

Viewing 11 posts - 1,051 through 1,061 (of 1,061 total)

  • RE: BCP XP command shell global temp table issue with batch proc

    You have to delete the global temp table.  It is different from regular temp table that it will be deleted when you close your session.  The global temp table will...

  • RE: User SPs on a linked server

    What kind of problem you had when you set up the linked server using SQL Server?

    If you do sp_linkedservers, do you see the linked server you have set up, if...

  • RE: User SPs on a linked server

    Did you grant permission to execute to public for procedure [ServerB].[MyDB].[dbo].[SomeProc]?

  • RE: Getting Rewarded for Incompetence

    In my whole career life, I saw too many cases of incompetent people got rewarded.  In one company my boss promoted a programmer with less experience and much weaker technical...

  • RE: Job interview questions

    Here is the website that posted some interview questions.  My boss used them to interview potenital SQL developers and he thought they were very good.


  • RE: DTS - howto check a scheduled job current occurence

    You can use sysjobhistory table in msdb, it will tell you the status, the run time and the duration of the job it runs previous time.

  • RE: DRI or No DRI?

    I think data integrity is very important so I always put in primary key and foreign key.  It is part of the database design.  I also put in constraints in...

  • RE: Cursor or not

    Try to avoid cursor at all cost.  I got yelled at by my old DBA all the time when I used cursor. 

    Your code is fine.

  • RE: Beginning Administration

    Thanks for all the information.  It sure is very helpful to me.

    I just start my job as SQL developer in a small company and I find out they don't have...

  • RE: Who''s Responsible for Training?

    Since we are on the training subject, does anyone know which training company offers SQL Server 2005 training classes for more advance SQL developers and DBA.  I looked at a...

  • RE: Who''s Responsible for Training?

    I had worked for a few companies.  Only 1 or 2 sent me to training class.  One company provided online training but only for a limited number of classes.  One company my...

Viewing 11 posts - 1,051 through 1,061 (of 1,061 total)