Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 54 total)

  • RE: Handling Inconvenient Requests

    Yep. By default the answer is "yes" - it's what I do.

    We have in my office, however, a "5 o'clock Donna". In any given week you can count...

  • RE: Why Is It Complicated?

    I never looked at the maintenance plan backup task until 2008 because I needed compression. With 2008 I tried it out. It was easy to use but wouldn't...

  • RE: Why Is It Complicated?

    The simpler, "vanilla", uses are easy to do through a provided GUI. You can set up maintenance plans and do point-and-click restores for that type of installation quite easily.


  • RE: Why Is It Complicated?

    Backups, if you are only using them for disaster recovery, have been made fairly easy to manage in SQL Server. The problem, as I see it, is that I...

  • RE: Migrating to SQL 2008 from 2005

    That was the problem. It's all working now.

  • RE: Migrating to SQL 2008 from 2005

    Actually, that was my thought as well. I'm trying a full install of VS2008 now followed by SP1. I'll let you know how it goes.

  • RE: SQL Server 2008 T-SQL Enhancements Part - III

    I wasn't aware of this addition to SQL 2008 until I read your article. It's interesting but somewhat kludgey.

    I played around with hierarchyid after reading this article and discovered...

  • RE: Linked Server Pros/Cons over Seperate DB's

    We use linked servers to compare data from backups on occasion. I'm in the unfortunate position of not being allowed to lock things down as tight as I'd like....

  • RE: Autoi Restore - Litespeed

    Good call. I just went out and purchased a few TB drives for my dev box and partitioned them to mimic my production box. Couple hundred dollars in...

  • RE: Autoi Restore - Litespeed

    Mike Levan (3/17/2009)

    guess I don't entirely understand why you would need to worry about the file list. I suppose if you wanted the ability to restore a single file...

  • RE: Autoi Restore - Litespeed

    I have a development server that is really the only target for my restores and its drives are configured to be nearly identical to my production server. I let...

  • RE: Backup Script

    Unless I'm mistaken you are using LiteSpeed for your backups and then using a native SQL restore command to try to get the file list. LiteSpeed has its own...

  • RE: Autoi Restore - Litespeed

    I don't really like the interface that LiteSpeed provides. I just never got comfortable with it. As a result I have a few stored procedures for backup automation...

  • RE: Overall Backup Strategy

    Is this a matter of making it easier for me to perform the restore or a matter of how long it takes for the server to perform the restore steps?...

  • RE: Complex queries in a VB-based CLR

    Turns out that I chose well. There's a lot of logic in what we're doing that would have been very difficult to write in TSQL.

    Also, this is...

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 54 total)