Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 166 through 180 (of 282 total)

  • RE: Large Table Delete 105+ Million Rows...

    Matt Miller (10/30/2007)

    Lee - process looks fine. You will still need to deal with reorganizing the data so that you don't have page fragments everywhere, and then shrink the...

  • RE: Large Table Delete 105+ Million Rows...

    Matt Miller (10/30/2007)

    Janet - unless you change to simple recovery - your TLOG is going to grow no matter how small or large the transaction. It's going to keep...

  • RE: Command Line Zip Utility?

    EdVassie (10/29/2007)

    I think you need to talk to your management about cost and risk.

    Using standard SQL backup followed by a Zip is potentially greater cost and risk than using a...

  • RE: sp_send_dbmail...

    Michael Earl (10/23/2007)

    Without specifying @append_query_error = 1

    sp_send_dbmail runs your query immediately to make sure the query does not fail before the query is put into the mail queue. This...

  • RE: sp_send_dbmail...

    Thanks for the reply...however I don't think that is what I was looking for...I have a general process that fills some tables then a

    sp_send_dbmail call that will send an...

  • RE: Command Line Zip Utility?

    Aaron Ingold (10/11/2007)

    Doh, my bad... misread your comment. To unzip you're going to use:

    gzip -d c:\mydir\*

    I'm sure there are probably easier ways to do it, but I've used gzip...

  • RE: Command Line Zip Utility?

    Aaron Ingold (10/11/2007)

    You should just be able to use a command like this:

    gzip C:\mydir\*

    Should zip everything up.

    I got that far...but what command would u use to unzip everything?

  • RE: Command Line Zip Utility?

    Scott Coleman (10/11/2007)

    WinZip Pro costs a whopping $50. (The Pro version is needed to use the command-line addon). It can create self-extracting files, so you only need to...

  • RE: Command Line Zip Utility?

    Scott Coleman (10/11/2007)

    If you pay for a registered copy of WinZip you can get the command-line addon which would happily process multiple files. It is very inexpensive, but I...

  • RE: DB Restore Takes 5 Times Longer on New Server - Why?

    Not that I know much about drives...however I experienced something similar to this once and it was due to the fact that when the new server was created and the...

  • RE: Help understanding Query Optimizer

    I will update this either tonight or tomorrow morning as I need to leave at the moment...


  • RE: Comparing Two stored Procedures

    This is basically what I did...I found a free program as the company currently doesn't have anything purchased for this sort of task...and asking is like getting a diamond out...

  • RE: Can someone please explain the datatype SYSNAME

    OK let me branch off of this to see if I can get a different perspective on your statement...

    By default the max length in characters that an Identifier can be...

  • RE: Possible to Fail a job step via ExecuteSQLTask???

    I got it figured out and it was pretty simple once I got it to work. I used the SQLExecute Task to execute a query (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Table_A...

  • RE: Possible to Fail a job step via ExecuteSQLTask???

    So by using the RaiseError command that will fail the package? which would allow me to branch some logic (on failure/on success)?

    Thanks for the quick reply.


Viewing 15 posts - 166 through 180 (of 282 total)