Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 36 total)

  • RE: Excel with Stored Procedures

    Thanks, Stephen. I will try that as soon as I can. I appreciate the time you spent thinking about this!

  • RE: Excel with Stored Procedures


    How do I ensure that the rows retrieved with the 2nd sproc match up with the rows retrieved from the first sproc? Even if I assume the user won't add...

  • RE: Excel with Stored Procedures


    Mostly no - that is, except for the initially blank column, all the other columns are populated by the first sproc, and are not changed by the user. The exception...

  • RE: Excel with Stored Procedures


    Thank you for your offer. Any method is acceptable, as long as it works. We are not talking about a huge amount of data, 1 date to be returned for...

  • RE: Excel with Stored Procedures

    I have a spreadsheet, created via .Net automation, and populated from a sproc, with one column left blank (the sproc supplies the column header). Now I need to continuously update...

  • RE: SQL -> Progress db

    Thanks again, Lowell. I found it now.

  • RE: SQL -> Progress db

    Lowell,  thanks for your reply! I think that will help and I will pass along the suggestion to our Progress people. 

    One note: I was unable to get into the...

  • RE: using Count(*)

    I believe you about only aggregating once, but is that something demonstrable or do I have to take it as given?

  • RE: using Count(*)

    I see, thanks. I did have to cast one of the operands to Real in order to prevent truncation, but yes, it did work. Simple enough, huh?

    Thank you.

  • RE: Updating DTS to point to a new DataSource

    Ahh, another one of "those"!

    I am assuming you meant to say "abnormally". It sure looks like the DTS is connecting to the right...

  • RE: Updating DTS to point to a new DataSource

    Don - one more thing: now that I know where to look, can you tell me why these references are wrong when I have changed them in the body of...

  • RE: Updating DTS to point to a new DataSource

    Hi Don - re: Disconnected Edit - that's it! Thank you so much. I never noticed that option before.

    Thank you again for your help and for taking the time to...

  • RE: more complex join question

    Kevin - the solution you proposed with "Having" does not return rows from table1 that map to zero rows on table2. Is this the result of using the Having clause: HAVING S2.StartDate...

  • RE: more complex join question

    Table1 has 18 rows. Table2 (actually a view) has about 15k rows. I had a field in table1 set as identity but had not set it as PK. I set...

  • RE: more complex join question

    Kevin - thanks again for suggesting a solution!...

    I added S.StartDate to the Group BY clause. While the result set returned looks accurate, it took 1.5 minutes to return, which is...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 36 total)