Forum Replies Created

Viewing 14 posts - 16 through 29 (of 29 total)


    Hugo Kornelis (2/17/2012)

    neprosto (2/17/2012)

    Result of order depend on method to get result

    1. Index seek

    in this case relation engine use ROOT PAGE...

  • RE: 70-461

    I've scheduled exam on 19 jul. Now i am seeing cbt nuggets for 70-461 - very very simple. I guess that 70-461 is simpler than 70-433.

    Can anybody confirm...

  • RE: Index Types

    According to BOL there are ten types of index. Many people known it!

    I think that people who know about CI/NCI types also know that they can be uniq/non uniq,...

  • RE: Transaction

    Good question. I got wrong too... it is not obvios, and as a see termination of batch depend on not only of severity level.

    I've found link ...

  • RE: SQL Server 2012 Beta Exam Results

    Guys, I hope that somebody finally say what is difference between 70-433 and 70-461?:-D

    As you think which exam is harder ?

    PS. I did not participate in beta exam and...

  • RE: SQL Server 2012 Beta Exam Results

    gordon.byers (6/12/2012)

    neprosto (6/12/2012)

    vand.erik (6/12/2012)

    Just read on the Prometric website that I have passed the 70-463 beta exam! One down, two to go for my SQL 2012 MCSA 🙂

    My congratulation !


  • RE: SQL Server 2012 Beta Exam Results

    vand.erik (6/12/2012)

    Just read on the Prometric website that I have passed the 70-463 beta exam! One down, two to go for my SQL 2012 MCSA 🙂

    My congratulation !

    I am preparing...

  • RE: Service Broker Transactions

    Good question!

    Explained situation is known as "Uncommitable transaction".

  • RE: Service Service Accounts

    good query about new DMV in SP1.

    But change wrong first item sys.dm_service_services to sys.dm_server_services

    is needed:-)

  • RE: Model Database

    Hi !

    Correct answer is Yes and NO

    Tested on

    Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 (SP1) - 10.50.2500.0 (Intel X86) Jun 17 2011 00:57:23 Copyright (c) Microsoft...


    hakan.winther (8/8/2011)

    The correct answer should be "it depends". As already stated, there are no guarantees even it seem to work in some cases, but with larger tables, parallell plans, many...

  • RE: Better Backups

    wrong answer A & C !

    When we enable compression we increase the cpu load and decrease the io load as we need less space for saving beckup. So we must...


    I disagree with author!

    second answer it is recommendation for optimization ntfs perfomance.

    in isn't necessary.

  • RE: Creating indexes on computed columns

    There is error. Correcty answer is 1 and 2. But 4 "Has no system data access or user data access." is correct when computed column marks as persisted and...

Viewing 14 posts - 16 through 29 (of 29 total)