Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 110 total)
DECLARE @Source TABLE (Id int, ServerName char(7), DateFrom datetime, DateTo datetime)
INSERT INTO @Source SELECT 1, 'APAXSG1', '01/01/2007', '01/31/2007'
UNION SELECT 2, 'APAXSG1', '01/15/2007', '02/15/2007'
UNION SELECT 3, 'APAXSG1', '02/01/2007',...
November 20, 2007 at 10:43 pm
UPDATE TableName
SET EndDate =
WHEN StartDate > '2003/01/01' THEN DATEADD(day, Days, StartDate)
WHEN StartDate < '2003/01/01' THEN ??? ((1/1/2003-1/1/2000)+1) is what date? why not add 10?
ELSE ???????? /* StartDate = '2003/01/01' */
November 15, 2007 at 2:19 am
search this forum on sp_MSforeachdb
November 5, 2007 at 10:15 pm
Although nothing is returned, your script generates no syntax (or any) error.
November 5, 2007 at 8:14 pm
Jeff Moden (10/31/2007)
Close! Not seeing StockCode 12 anywhere in the result, though...
SrockCode12 uses StockCode20.
So it is not shown.
I'm only displaying the lowest level item.
October 31, 2007 at 2:48 am
DECLARE @BOM TABLE (Product varchar(11), Part varchar(11))
INSERT INTO @BOM SELECT 'StockCode1', 'StockCode2'
UNION ALL SELECT 'StockCode1', 'StockCode3'
UNION ALL SELECT 'StockCode1', 'StockCode4'
UNION ALL SELECT 'StockCode1', 'StockCode5'
UNION ALL SELECT 'StockCode2', 'StockCode10'
October 30, 2007 at 7:41 pm
UNION will combine dupilcate result sets to a single set.
UNION ALL will produce the same result as the second query and performance will be similar.
October 30, 2007 at 6:52 pm
noeld (10/30/2007)
CREATE TABLE #tmp (EmpID INT , LocationID INT , Amount NUMERIC(9,2))
SELECT 1, 1, 15.00 UNION ALL
October 30, 2007 at 6:26 pm
WITH Counts (EmpID, LocationID, Number) AS
(SELECT EmpID, LocationID, COUNT(*) FROM tblTransactions GROUP BY EmpID, LocationID)
(SELECT MAX(Z.LocationID) FROM Counts Z WHERE Z.EmpID = A.EmpID AND Z.Number = (SELECT MAX(Y.Number) FROM...
October 30, 2007 at 12:47 am
I think that the problem is the sequence of importing tables.
Referenced tables need to be imported before referencing tables can be.
October 24, 2007 at 1:09 am
DECLARE @a TABLE (Name char(4), Date datetime, ID int)
INSERT INTO @a SELECT 'mary', '10/01/2006', 1
UNION SELECT 'john', '10/13/2006', 2
UNION SELECT 'john', '12/17/2006', 2
UNION SELECT 'bob', '01/01/2006',...
October 23, 2007 at 10:03 pm
DECLARE @D datetime
September 10, 2007 at 3:53 am
It maybe that there are no ELSE parts in CASE statements.
September 9, 2007 at 6:26 pm
Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 110 total)