Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 162 total)
Thanks for the reply Jan. Its a good suggestion.
HOwever, I am still stuck up.
I need to run this in SQL job steps.
My 1st step would be as you suggested to use...
January 16, 2006 at 10:06 am
Is there no other alternative than calling PSS ? Pls. suggest.
January 13, 2006 at 8:24 am
I have just copied some sample data from the txt file. There is no way to upload the file in the forum. What can be done ?
September 15, 2005 at 4:17 am
This error is indication that it is not following the Log backup chain. I mean, when we first restore a full backup, all other T-log backups should be restored in...
September 1, 2005 at 1:50 am
You may also want to try out SQL-Backtrack for SQL Server (produc of BMC Software).
This tool is a very advanced tool specially designed for backup/recovery of SQL databases. One...
August 31, 2005 at 9:42 am
It seeems that when you restored the secondary database, you did not restore it with no recovery or standby.
1. Did Server B had the database initially as read-only OR you...
August 31, 2005 at 9:36 am
Why do you shrink the file daily ?
What is the command you are using to shrink the file ?
August 26, 2005 at 7:33 am
1) If I come two know exactly who are currenty connected with database. Then I may ask to close the connection
You may run sp_who...
August 26, 2005 at 7:31 am
Thanks Yelena for the info.
Anything for sql profiler ?
August 24, 2005 at 9:48 am
Thanks Yelena for the info.
Anything for sql profiler ?
August 24, 2005 at 9:46 am
Solution mentioned by Chris did not work for me. Is shall try out the other solutions and let you know. Thanks for the replies.
August 12, 2005 at 5:34 am
1. Detach the database.
2. Rename the transaction log files. (Dont delete just incase u need them)
3. Reattach the .mdf file using EM.
4. It should create a new .ldf file for...
July 26, 2005 at 1:00 am
If you do not have the backups available, then you cannot rolback the transaction.
If you had begin the transaction by using Begin Tran and after firing the sql statements,...
July 26, 2005 at 12:55 am
SQL Server handles locks internally.
How many rows in the table need to be updated ? It all depends on the rows to be updated, the table will be locked...
July 25, 2005 at 7:10 am
Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 162 total)