Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 90 total)

  • RE: Search and Replace

    For those interested.  Here's the resolution.  I know there was some discussion about what makes a moon, but, that wasn't part of resolution 5A. 


    The IAU therefore resolves that...

  • RE: Search and Replace

    Actually... 12 I think it what was slated.  I think it was...

    Mercury Venus Earth Mars (some jibberish) jupiter saturn uranus neptune pluto xena (some other jibberish)

    of course, there wasn't as...

  • RE: Search and Replace

    One of the stories I heard on NPR had some interesting notes on the whole Pluto thing that make it very much not science. 

    1) The decision on planets is...

  • RE: Cleaning WGA

    I've got 3 words.... "Galactic Civilizations two"

    A couple companies are starting to think like this.  take the focus off preventing piracy, and put the focus on increasing sales.

    How do...

  • RE: Motivation

    I'd have to agree.  Even at 30, my priorities have changed considerably.  I've only had 3 serious career environments over the past 15 years, but, my focus has changed considerably. 


  • RE: The Best IT Companies

    "Over time people get more, sometimes up to 25 days, but I rarely see more."

    I saw a list of countries, and average vacation time/holiday time/hours per day/etc a while back,...

  • RE: The Best IT Companies

    I was dissapointed... none in my city to ship off a resume to <kof>.  Honestly though, a while back, I interviewed for a DBA position at a company that probably...

  • RE: Mining with Privacy

    Jay has a good point, as much as I dislike companies digging around in what I do, or sharing my shopping or browsing habits, The I far prefer that to...

  • RE: The Data Bill of Rights

    With the current SIG system of govt we've built, the corportations almost always win when it comes to legislature.  If we were to build a digital bill of rights, it...

  • RE: Green Machines

    Not sure if this is a bug or not, but, I've had a couple posts now that didn't go through.  It seems to happen when I start a longer post,...

  • RE: Green Machines

    7 months ago, as I was driving a large box truck half way across the country, I noticed something.  almost every gas station I stopped at for Diesel had atleast...

  • RE: Green Machines

    I'm thinking Steve stirred up a bit of a hornet's nest with the one

    I've always tended towards what's the best bang for...

  • RE: Green Machines

    I'd have to agree.  But, it's a start.  probably too little too late though.  From what I understand China is busy building a Hydrogen infrastructure that should easily make the...

  • RE: Green Machines

    Dodge Ram HEV

    only a 15% increase in fuel economy... but... it's american made (ok, so dodge isn't really american anymore... but...) and it's diesel..

    Unluckily, us normal people can't buy...

  • RE: Green Machines

    When our current lease is up, we're looking at one of the diesel hybrid trucks they're starting to make.  We have a small farm, and need something that can haul...

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 90 total)