Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 90 total)

  • RE: Stored procedure slower then query

    THANK YOU!!!!!! I have been fighting with this stored procedure for about 3 days now.  I was sure this was going to kill the last bit of motivation I still...

  • RE: - V3

    Steve : I just tried sending you a PM and it said you've exceeded your limit.  I had a question about the new site.  I need to change my email...

  • RE: Checking Up

    Should the same person become a burden on society because they cannot get a job working in a warehouse due to the criminal record, eventually disappear into homelessness, and become...

  • RE: Checking Up

    In part, we are.  in part, I think were reading into my sarcasm.  Really, what we're missing is proper up front handling of people who fall into certain categories. 


  • RE: Checking Up

    I'm ignoring the political rhetoric, both sides have suffered the same issues with badly planned protests, or a couple bad apples resulting in trouble for everyone.  It's just been reported...

  • RE: Checking Up

    that it is illegal is reason enough to not want to know that information, or to be poking around in any way that might reveal that information, or lead you...

  • RE: Checking Up

    one very small step further... a quick google of a potential employee's name can reveal all sorts of information about their personality... including what political parties they have contributed to. ...

  • RE: This is Good

    as near as I could tell, it was a telnet type session.  just text going back and forth, and I think either there was a single "reverse" directive, or the...

  • RE: This is Good

    I worked on a VAX for a while back... I guess in the early to mid 90s.  maybe that's where I'm remembering the password only to log in...

    I didn't have...

  • RE: Checking Up

    The "but don't feel comfortable that they had an illness that might recur" statement is one of the biggest problems with background checks.  Once something is classified into a medical...

  • RE: Checking Up

    Pulling credit reports is or atleast recently was common practice during hiring, particularly if the employee is being bonded. (which in some companies is all employees)

  • RE: This is Good

    Strong passwords are a good thing, but, at the same time, developers should think about what they're doing.  A while back, I realized that one of my online passwords that...

  • RE: April Fools

    I don't tend to pull a prank unless it would get me too, so the keyboard pranks are out for me... The only time I even kind of look at...

  • RE: To The Max

    At a company I worked for, we had a queue processor go haywire once.  Way back when the company started, there was some custom code written to change how customer...

  • RE: Assumptions

    In a way, I'm lucky.  In my current position, I could do the jobs of most of the people I write applications for (In many cases, because I did the...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 90 total)