Forum Replies Created

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

  • RE: white space, Carriage Return, tab

    thanks it worked

  • RE: Filter dates to include holidays and weekends

    There seems to be something wrong i here i replied thrice already and nothing went through.


    I seemed to have solved the problem halfway.


    I removed the SELECT from the while...

  • RE: compare getdate

    Thanks all, its seems that i had to use a little discretion from everyone who pitched in something, and come up with the best solution.


    My final query looks like...

  • RE: compare getdate

    It still doesnt match anything even though i try 

    JOIN changed:

    SELECT dbo.DEC_TXN.*

      FROM dbo.DEC_TXN


        ON Convert(varchar(8), dbo.DEC_TXN.DATE_LOAD,112) = Convert(varchar(8),dbo.CALENDAR.dt,112)

     WHERE Convert(varchar(8),dbo.DEC_TXN.DATE_LOAD,112) = Convert(varchar(8),getdate(),112)


    Yes my...

  • RE: compare getdate

    I have created the Calendar table so as to display all public holidays


    dt                                                     isWeekday isHoliday Y      FY     Q    M    D    DW   monthname dayname   W    HolidayDescription              

    ------------------------------------------------------ --------- --------- ------ ------...

  • RE: compare getdate

    SELECT dbo.DEC_TXN.*

    FROM dbo.DEC_TXN


    where dbo.DEC_TXN.DATE_LOAD between convert(datetime, convert(varchar(10),dateadd(dd,-1,getdate(),101) + '07:00:00')) and getdate()


    Server: Msg 174, Level 15, State 1, Line 4

    The dateadd function requires 3...

  • RE: compare getdate

    I actually need to return data everything including from yest.. 07:00am till when ever the query is run. but i cant even get the getdate to work without the date...

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)