Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 105 total)

  • RE: Financial Data in the Cloud?

    We've yet to see a test of what happens when a cloud service provider gets into financial difficulty. I'm not sure what the US law is when it comes to...

  • RE: Secure Cell Phones

    What would be the point of cyphering messages that very clever enemies couldn't break? You'd end up not knowing what they thought you thought they were thinking...

    Lord Vetinari to...

  • RE: The August 2008 Energy Update


    I think you guys in the U.S are missing a trick here. You've got some pretty huge deserts with great sunlight conditions; it really would be possible to create some...

  • RE: Problem Exporting Union Query

    smick (8/21/2008)

    Thanks for the reply but there are actually 8 lines in that second select statement.

    The problem was occurring because I originally did have mismatched numbers of columns. I fixed...

  • RE: Problem Exporting Union Query

    Sorry i thought i had it for a moment.. I have tested this on my machine without a problem 😕

    I can think of two possible work arounds -bearing in...

  • RE: Problem Exporting Union Query

    Whoops hang on a mo....

  • RE: Access synchronization


    You might want to consider replication. Access has in-built functionality to handle situations like this, but it does require some planning before going down this route.

    You should find some good...

  • RE: Can't change subform view


    It sounds like you are viewing the properties of the frame that holds a sub-form on a parent form rather than the form's own properties.

    To be certain there is a...

  • RE: Checksum gotchas?


    uhmm, I've done quite a bit more reading now and added to what you've said i've decided to shelve the idea.

    It's one of those ideas that seems perfectly...

  • RE: Checksum gotchas?


    Thanks for the link 🙂

    Just to clarify, i'm using the primary key to verify that the row has or has not been imported previously and the checksum to see if...

  • RE: Combo box .additem


    Could someone explain how that happens?

    I tested that senario just to make sure there wasn't some quirky behaviour in adp's vs mdb's.

    I found as i suspected if you...

  • RE: Combo box .additem


    Got me beat i have to say. I have no problem displaying over 5 and 200 chars in 2 columns. I am up to sp3 as well.

    To add to...

  • RE: Combo box .additem


    @smunson, the OP didn't actually specify 200 characters that was just me seeing if i could re-create the problem using an unusually large column size. Secondly; yes I...

  • RE: Combo box .additem


    I created a simple test to try and replicate the problem.

    New adp project TESTADP

    1 table TBLTEST

    2 columns TESTID: char(5), TESTDESC char(200)

    11 rows of data


    5 chars 00001 to 00011



  • RE: Combo box .additem

    Random! well glad you got it sorted 🙂


Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 105 total)