Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 106 through 120 (of 261 total)

  • RE: Security with Temp tables


    i'm not quite clear on the location of the temp table. Is it a sql server temp table, created by the application, or is it a access temp table, created...

  • RE: suggestion -- handling BIG SQL error log

    And do every night something like:

    exec dbspCheckErrorLog 500000


    CREATE procedure dbspCheckErrorLog

    @limit float = 1000000


    declare @size float

    create table #logs

    ( Lognum int

    , Logdate varchar(22)

    , Size float


    insert into #logs exec master..xp_enumerrorlogs

    select @size = size...

  • RE: Server collation and case attributes

    And it gets a lot more complicated if you've got tables with dublicate primary keys after the collation change, say you have a pk on a varchar field that is...

  • RE: Server collation and case attributes


    you might simply change the server collation of the development server. That will change the collation of the system databases, but not the collation of your user databases. The collation...

  • RE: xp_sendmail/Outlook address book error

    Log in as service user, edit the mail profile, make sure that you are receiving mails into the mailbox, and not into an local folder.



  • RE: Log shipping in SQL Server 2000

    In Step 1 you should do an


    instead of an


    because with truncate_only you are cutting the chain of log backups, and...

  • RE: Log shipping in SQL Server 2000

    Do you restore the full backup into the standby server? if yes, do you restore "with norecovery" or "with standby=xxx.ldf"?

    Do you restore all transaction log backups also "with norecovery" or...

  • RE: Restoring Master from a clustered server to a stand-alone server?


    restoring should be no problem, if the paths to master, model, msdb and tempdb on the dr-server are the same as on the cluster.

    MS SQL Server clustering is mainly an...

  • RE: Transaction Log will not shrink...





    --declare @cmd varchar(999) select @cmd= 'backup log '+DB_NAME()+' with truncate_only' exec (@cmd)

    dbcc shrinkfile (DB_Log, 3072)

    if that does not work uncomment the backup-line and try again.

    if you need all transactions do...

  • RE: Moving system databases in a clustered environment

    It would depend on the initial configuration. At some point i read a recommendation for sql clustering which stated you should put the system databases on a local disk of...

  • RE: Help: What to do when transaction log file is full

    back to the log files:

    you should set autogrowth to yes, amount to 30 or 50 MB, limit to nearly the amount of available disk space.


    If the transaction log is full...

  • RE: Backup/Restore Stand By Strangeness

    If you restart the restore later, does it work or do you get the same error?

  • RE: Backup/Restore Stand By Strangeness


    looks like the db tries to use a wrong log file. Do the file paths to the log file actually match on both servers? (looking at master.sysfiles, master.sysaltfiles and medanes.sysfiles...

  • RE: Stored Procedure


    you can define a view like:

    CREATE VIEW dbo._v_Item


    SELECT *


    'DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=test;UID=xx;PWD=yyyy;',

    'select No_, Description + '', '' + [Description 2] COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_Cp1_CI_AS as Description, [Item...

  • RE: Problem with attaching database


    is the database marked as (failed)?

    if yes, you can set the database to emergency mode and use dbcc rebuild_log to rebuild a proper logfile... (for the correct syntax search this...

Viewing 15 posts - 106 through 120 (of 261 total)