Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 17 total)

  • RE: vmware and sqlserver

    I think it is vmware version 4.1 ESX

  • RE: vmware and sqlserver

    Thanks for the replies

    According to the operators of the vmware the memory is set to 8Gb, but that is not what i can see in the windows system.

    Before reboot the...

  • RE: Creating a recycle bin for SQL Server 2005\2008

    Interesting, but what if someone renames a procedure, object or view ?

  • RE: Understanding DDL Triggers in SQL Server 2005

    As i already told , if you use the sp_rename stored procedures these triggers do nothing, nada.


  • RE: Understanding DDL Triggers in SQL Server 2005

    It's a pitty it does not cover renaming columns, tables...

  • RE: SSIS and DTsx packages

    I intend to do this test, but for now i am little short of time, so , we'll install it for now.

    Ths again for the info


  • RE: Users and Security

    thx for the info

  • RE: Users and Security

    These settings/configurations i can handle, as long as Microsoft did not include new configuration tools for this.


  • RE: Users and Security

    Thx for the reply Derek,

    I just need to know if there are issues when running with a different account, because we are using Aggregate function (CLR) and DTsx packages that...

  • RE: SSIS and DTsx packages

    Well, We have a Dtsx package that needs to run once in a while on the productionserver.

    If SSIS is not needed we'd rather not install it.

    Thx for the reply.


  • RE: Avoiding Cursors

    If it is really needed that the records are handled one by one, the best solution is to write a program VB, VB.NET, C#,...

    which extracts the records and processes them...

  • RE: Performance and Query engine

    In the tables there are no empty strings like ''

    If this would be the case it also would fail in sql2000

    not like '%[^0-9]%' is used because i only want numeric...

  • RE: Performance and Query engine

    I know the second query is faster because of the "exists" statmenent but in sql200 the first query reurned results as fast as the second one.

    I wonder how many surprises there...

  • RE: Blob insert

    Hi Pedro,

    check on textcopy.exe

    It's a tool located on the mssql\bin directory. You can use it to insert any file content into text/image/binary field.

    The record you want to add the data...

  • RE: How to reverse engineer role membership

    I gues you have to write that part yourself by using eg


    This returns a queryresult which can be easily read (loop through rows).



Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 17 total)