Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 106 through 120 (of 534 total)

  • RE: identify insert

    Thank you so much!!! putting [sortorder] in brackets did the trick!!!!!!

  • RE: identify insert

    Loading the data like this


    insert into dbo.OOReportFile (path,sortOrder,id,repname,repfilepath,language_cd,updateddate,repFormat) values('templatedata\Report\OOReportFile\data\ReportsAndPeriodicals_pdf', 1, 109, 'report_CircleOfHonor', '/resources/COH_7_31.pdf', 'en', '8/13/2008', 'PDF');

    insert into dbo.OOReportFile (path,sortOrder,id,repname,repfilepath,language_cd,updateddate,repFormat) values('templatedata\Report\OOReportFile\data\ReportsAndPeriodicals_pdf', 2, 110, 'report_MonthlyNCDQuota', '/resources/ncdquota_rpt.pdf', 'en', '10/1/2008', 'PDF');


  • RE: identify insert

    I am:

    Connecting to the Database

    issuing this against the Database for Table dbo.


    Committing the Transaction

    Disconnecting from the DB

    Reconnecting to the DB

    WHen I load the table, I...

  • RE: replacing values in one column with null values

    Update dbo.TS_USERS SET TS_EMAIL = NULL worked! Such a simple thing! Thank you for the help!

  • RE: replacing values in one column with null values

    Thank you! The DDL

    Create table dbo.TS_USERS (

    TS_ID int ...

  • RE: question about DR (recovering a sql server)

    There is no other software installed - dedicated Database Server.

    For the Server Backup, they ARE backing up the SQL Binaries but excluding ALL .mdf and .ldf...

  • RE: question about DR (recovering a sql server)

    I agree with you.. what they do (twice a year) is go offsite and recover the tape library and then start recovering servers (from tape) everything from Domain...

  • RE: question about DR (recovering a sql server)

    They are indeed.

  • RE: question about DR (recovering a sql server)

    Basically at DR, they recover the Server and hand it over to me. In past DRs, when they 'handed' the server over to me to recover the databases,...

  • RE: question about DR (recovering a sql server)

    Thank you for all the replies.

    I AM doing regular Databases backups Full nightly Database backups and Transaction Log backups where appropriate and depending on the SLA with the Business...

  • RE: Yet another question about the resource DB

    Looks like I had a typo in my final Alter Database commands. Forgot to specify filenames.. oops

    I started up in single user mode and reissued my commands correctly like this...

  • RE: Yet another question about the resource DB

    I started the instance in single user mode.

    I successfully moved my model and msdb database files back to their original locations

    I issue this

    SELECT name, physical_name AS CurrentLocation


  • RE: Yet another question about the resource DB

    I checked the files and they were set "checked for archive" I unchecked that. still no go.

    I then gave the following user full permissions to were...

  • RE: moving model

    I have the same problem. I moved my MODEL and MSDB Data and log files to different drives and it worked fine. when I tried to move...

  • RE: Yet another question about the resource DB

    Thank you for the Link.. I believe that will help!!!

    Now I think I created a larger mess for myself. I now see the benefit of keeping all of the...

Viewing 15 posts - 106 through 120 (of 534 total)