Forum Replies Created

Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)

  • RE: Supressing repeating values?


    Thanks for the pointer to the oh-so-recently discussed solution...that's what I get for posting at the end of the day without checking the threads first.

    Lee's solution may work for me,...

  • RE: Icons in a databound grid

    Colin, it really depends on the specifics of the tools you are using.  Is you application a Windows app or a Web app?  Are you using the built in Datagrid...

  • RE: Quickshift and Database Performance Survey

    Awarding the prizes to the "first twenty" is ridiculously unfair; We have three time zones in this country, and all of the prize are likely to be long gone by...

  • RE: Need Fast ''''Contains'''' Search!

    I tried the CHARINDEX() route but it wasn't really fast enough.  Thanks for the suggestion though.

  • RE: Returning IDENTITY from Linked Server

    Can you put the procedure that does the insert on the linked server itself?  If so, you could write that procedure to use an output parameter to return identity of...

  • RE: Database Daily Usefullness


    I cannot even begin to tell you how much I appreciate the Database Daily news  aggregation email.  I am a developer with typically crushing deadlines, and I don't have time...

  • RE: Need Fast ''''Contains'''' Search!

    John (and everyone else),

    Thanks so much for your replies.  I will look into the FTS and Contains() functionality to see if that will help.  BTW, John, the 11 million row...

  • RE: Good Book for SQL Developer


    I agree with previous posters regarding the Viera book from Wrox.  It got me up to speed quickly and did a good job of explaining the what, how and why...

  • RE: Modify Stored Procedures

    I agree with Steve that this is a very bad idea.  One reasonable alternative might be to create a new procedure with a different name but with the same code as...

  • RE: Question of the Day for 27 Oct 2004


    Brian wrote:

    I believe this is a trick question because as the SQL statement is scripted the table will not allow 'NULL' values.  So therefore, your answer is wrong as...

  • RE: DTS Package loses fixed format mapping

    Since misery loves company, I'm sorry to hear that you've seen this too, but relieved to hear that I am not the only one who has experienced this problem.

  • RE: Varchar too small, Text too difficult; Now What?

    Yes, Bruce's idea was a good one.  I will keep it in mind for sure.  Interestingly enough, though, it was not necessarily slower because of the the disk io and...

  • RE: Varchar too small, Text too difficult; Now What?

    >>This would not only solve the size limitation problem but improve query performance too. <<

    Thanks for your help, I've tried it both ways (yours and Everett's) and they both work,...

Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)