Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 101 total)

  • RE: SQLServerAgent Error: 32. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 22022)

    Just to clarify, there are two stored procs being referred to here:

    sp_cycle_agent_errorlog - cycles the SQLAgent error log

    sp_cycle_errorlog - cycles the SQL Server database engine error log.

    Both of these stored...

  • RE: Benchmarks for new server

    Richard Fryar made an excellent point there. Remember that SANs are a cost-saving resource designed to optimise storage usage, not performance. In reality, using a SAN can be a like...

  • RE: How to Schedule a SQL Server Database Creation Script

    I don't unfortunately Chris. However, from memory, I think it's replacing the name of the primary key with its objectid. Quite why MS did this I don't know.


  • RE: Microsoft Reporting Services 2005 Features and Enhancements

    Thanks Kamran, useful article for those of us familiar with RS2000, good to know some of what RS2005 has to offer.

    Especially like the intellisense and date picker features, nice...

  • RE: Joel U

    Totally agree. To me a good manager is one who has the confidence to let the people he's managing get on with their jobs. He should protect them from the...

  • RE: Finding/Listing All Databases

    Just an aside on the SQL-DMO solution - probably the easiest to code, but from personal experience it can be a pain to package up into an application, and can...

  • RE: Poll #3

    ...and he was playing Galaga in the coffee shop - great game

  • RE: Poll #3

    I would have to nominate Equilibrium ( as my favourite along with The Matrix.  If you loved the lobby scene in The Matrix, you'll like this. Same mindset, great film,...

  • RE: Converting SQL Server 2000 DB to 2005 DB

    You shouldn't have any problems James, backups have been able to restore automatically since at least SS2K5 beta 2. Microsoft tend to get features like that working and stable first - no...

  • RE: Why do Dev people go on holiday?!!??

    Personally, having had a lot of experience of third party database product vendors, I'd request them to write it. If it's their system, running on top of their database design, then...

  • RE: Reporting Service book


    Chris' recommendation is an excellent one. The Hitchhiker's Guide... is an *exceptionally good book*, with a very good accompanying DVD showing you how to set up various tricky parts of Reporting Services - and...

  • RE: SQL Server Spotlight Euan


    Six-teen-kay ?

    When I were a lad we had to make do with an Acorn Atom and half a kb of memory.

    AND we managed to cram Space Invaders and an...

  • RE: Disappearing DBAs

    Agreed. Production DBAs are a very valuable asset who bring much needed experience to the job, and are needed in a professional organisation of any size. Development DBAs rarely cut it...

  • RE: SQL Server 2005 Import/Export Server Registrations

    What a great feature !  Well done Microsoft and thanks Vinod for showing us how to do this 🙂

  • RE: SQL Server 2005 DBCC Command Quick Reference


    I don't know specifically, but will try to find out. Should be able to post some info. soon with regard to whether the DBCC command set is the same for...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 101 total)