Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 15 total)

  • RE: How Far Will You Go (To Work)?

    davidf-668600 (8/10/2011)

    I drive 1 hour one way, by car.

    Depending on the traffic condition and the time of day I leave home or office this could vary between 1 hour...

  • RE: PAAS

    SanDroid (4/13/2011)

    Does anyone know what the Sigma 6, SOX, JSOX, HIPA, etc... stance on storing data in the cloud is?

    I know that Amazon has been spending a lot of effort...

  • RE: PAAS

    There's an acronym called PAAS, which is Platform as a Service, and it's analogous to SAAS (Software as a service) and IAAS (infrastructure as a service). The idea is that...

  • RE: The Low End

    The benefit to these tools, especially Access, that I think a lot of developers don't get is that it creates work for programmers. To clarify, back in the day when...

  • RE: SELECT INTO with a Temp Table

    Got it right, but apparently not for the knowledge that the question was intended to test for.

    I assumed it wouldn't compile because the create procedure part wasn't in its...

  • RE: Generic COUNT(*)

    stevanuz (10/22/2010)

    thanks all for the comments.

    the use of the stored procedure 4 this solution might seem not so obvious but i do personally prefer sp instead of ad-hoc launched from...

  • RE: Generic COUNT(*)

    Is the point of this approach simply to turn an ad-hoc SQL command into a stored procedure? If so, I really don't see the benefit of an ad-hoc dynamic query...

  • RE: Collective Intelligence

    TravisDBA (7/17/2010)

    Although you cannot prepare for every "nitpicky" question that might come up in an interview, you can hedge your bets by preparing for the ones that are most likely...

  • RE: Collective Intelligence

    ben.mcintyre (7/17/2010)

    Interestingly, I find that a lot of my effort is spent not on actually learning things, but more on meta-learning about things - for example, I don't know that...

  • RE: Collective Intelligence

    Insecurity is the driving force that keeps us learning, so I wholeheartedly think it is a good thing.

    Also, as the person who wrote the answer on SO you cited, obviously...

  • RE: The Breakfast Plan Goes Awry

    I guess this all goes to show that perks intended to help morale need to be carefully designed to accommodate the peculiarities of human psychology.

    I witnessed a similar goof not...

  • RE: The Breakfast Plan Goes Awry

    This is straight out of an Organizational Behavior 101 textbook.

    Essentially any extrinsic motivation like pay raises, breakfast at the office, etc. is at best going to give you a temporary...

  • RE: "SELECT @local_variable"

    Wow. That was an excellent question that illustrates how important those query plans are and the problem of intermixing a declarative and procedural elements into queries.


    Looks like this question is a better gauge of ability to read instructions than SQL syntax.

    For the record: I got it wrong too thinking it was asking about the number...

  • RE: Which is better and Why.?

    The differences between Oracle, Access and SQL have nothing to do with the "amount of data they can handle". The differences between these platforms is largely denominated in terms of...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 15 total)