Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 7,096 through 7,110 (of 7,190 total)

  • RE: Problem with SELECT IN Clause


    You need to normalise the MyUsers table.  This means having one user ID in each row of the table.  Then your query will look like this:

    SELECT u.col1, u.col2, m.col1, m.col2


  • RE: Permissions - reality check.


    The problem with instantiating user-defined structures is that you may end up with crap table design, poor indexing and missing referential integrity.  You, as the DBA, will probably spend more...



    What I would suggest is leaving the column as it is, and have your client application present the data in the way you describe.  That way, the data stays numeric...

  • RE: Unable to configure server as distributor: Error 8152

    I'm not saying this will necessarily fix your problem, but if you're using replication then I recommend upgrading to SP4.

    As for the problem itself, this is the error that you...

  • RE: Permissions - reality check.


    Never give a user db_owner access - not if it's your job on the line when it goes wrong.

    First, I would question why an application user needs to create...

  • RE: Who should have SQL Enterprise Manager?

    Anyone who doesn't need it.  And I would think that includes everybody except DBAs and developers.


  • RE: Disconnect a user


    You can use the following T-SQL to generate the T-SQL to disconnect the logins.  Or, if you want to do it all in one batch, you can use a cursor.



  • RE: Alternative to Distinct


    How about:

    select colname where colname <> dbo.uf_stripnonalpha(colname)

    from table


  • RE: Alternative to Distinct

    That would be easier.  But bear in mind that any indexes you have on colname would not be used.


  • RE: Alternative to Distinct


    How about creating a view (indexed if necessary) that shows the name column with all non-alphabetic characters stripped from the end?  Then you can do a select distinct against the view.


  • RE: DTS job fails

    I would guess that, since the task starts but appears to abort in the middle, the process is either running out of disk space resource somewhere or being interrupted by...

  • RE: DISK IO on Subscribers


    I would consider the following:

    (1) Set OutputVerboseLevel=0, unless you need to do any debugging.  The default is 2 and this is probably wasting resources logging error messages and progress reports.


  • RE: adding new fields on Transactional replications

    Have you tried deleting the article that corresponds to the table with the new column and recreating it?  After that you will probably need to repeat steps 2 and 3...

  • RE: Scheduling sp Blues


    The temp table (if prefixed by # rather than ##) is only visible to the connection that created it and is dropped when that connection ends.  If you run the...

  • RE: trouble creating a flatfile report


    Not sure what you're asking here.  If you're wondering how to save the results of a query to an Excel spreadsheet, then what I would do is create a view...

Viewing 15 posts - 7,096 through 7,110 (of 7,190 total)