Forum Replies Created

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)

  • RE: Reindexing Tables

    I'm guessing that you are using DBREINDEX to reorg your table. I've had similar problems when trying to reorg a 15GB clustered table. The datafile had to be sized to...

  • RE: Space reduction on restore

    Unfortunately shrinking after the restore requires me to have the available space on the server in the first place in order to do the restore. We are currently restricted on...

  • RE: Set working set size option

    We had a similar problem where we had different values in Min and Max Memory settings (eg Dynamically managed) and Set Working Set Size was set. I concluded that these...

  • RE: SQL Server and Timezones

    Thank you for your replies. Our main concern was related to the particular application that was running on SQL Server. We were not 100% confident that changing the timezone could...

  • RE: SQL Server Memory

    I also tried another test on a test server. W2K Enterprise, 4gb ram. Enabled AWE and saw over 3GB of memory being used. I also tried using the Min and...

  • RE: SQL Server Memory

    This still doesn't explain why my DR Server that has AWE enabled can get close to 3GB of memory being used. When I run this SQL on the DR server...

  • RE: SQL Server Memory

    Hmmm. Interesting. After reading both articles I guess I have to accept that I can't use AWE or /3GB.

    According to the sql-server-performance article I shouldn't use AWE:

    "If you...

  • RE: SQL Server Memory

    There is a good possibility that the /3GB switch has been used at some stage. Last year we had a Microsoft consultant looking at some performance issues that we had....

  • RE: SQL Server Memory

    Thank you for your replies however I'm still unclear as to what is required.

    My findings (and Mark's comments) would suggest that you can have AWE enabled without the /3GB...


    I will certainly investigate if the database does in fact require a SHRINKDATABASE. Being new to SQL Server I was assuming that whoever set this process up knew what they...

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)