Forum Replies Created

Viewing 2 posts - 16 through 17 (of 17 total)

  • RE: Passing Variables down the Sub-subqueries

    Does the query parse out okay (you know, if you hit the check box icon)?

  • RE: Passing Variables down the Sub-subqueries

    It's just like Julie said:

    Declare @BeginDate varchar(8)

    Declare @EndDate varchar(8)

    Select @BeginDate = convert(varchar,DateAdd(mm, DateDiff(mm, 0, dateadd(mm, -2, Getdate())),0),112)

    Select @EndDate = convert(varchar,DateAdd(mm, DateDiff(mm, 0, dateadd(mm, -1, Getdate())),0),112)

    You've gotta declare and set those...

Viewing 2 posts - 16 through 17 (of 17 total)