Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 49 total)

  • RE: How do I find the unmatched records??


    You must do a left join and pull out all the records where there is no match. When you select form Master table and do a left join on StartDate...

  • RE: Using exec in my sp

    Do you want to list the output of exec(@DSNo) as column data in the last select statement?

    Select(@Filename),(exec(@DSNo)), ................

    That wont make sens because exec(@DSNo) may return multiple results.

    If you want @Filename...

  • RE: Function in join

    How about creating an indexed view that has the calculated column.

    Then create an index on that column and use the view in your query?

    When the column is updated SQL should...

  • RE: Access to sys.objects and syscomments

    Yes, using dbo also works

    It may be a better choice, so no new users needs to be created?

    Thanks again

  • RE: Access to sys.objects and syscomments

    Great!! Thanks, now it definitely works

  • RE: Access to sys.objects and syscomments

    Sorry, I lied. sys.sqlmodules did not work. I tested with an admin login

    When using a login who is only part of the public role it returns NULL

    here is the query...

  • RE: Access to sys.objects and syscomments

    no code needed as sys.sql_modules did the trick 😛 . Thanks a lot.

    Do EXECUTE AS only work for windows logins? I even tried DOMAIN\Administrator that has access to the database,...

  • RE: Help please - similar names

    Won't you get the desired result if you only run the query of the derived table?

    Because you joining that back to Accounts it repeats for each account that starts with...

  • RE: Passing String example "10013,10014,10015" in Stored Procedure

    Have a look at how to use a Numbers table

    You can extract the comma delimeted values and insert them into a table variable then use the table variable throughout...

  • RE: Trouble Checking a Boolean parameter

    You should compare it to 1 or 0

    but the better way of doing it is to convert the 1 and 0 to a BIT type as they are INT values


  • RE: if...else statement...

    I see references to an IIF function

    IIF(expression, truevalue, falsevalue)

    where if the expression is true, the true value will be returned, else it returns the false value.

    you can acheive the same...

  • RE: if...else statement...

    Declare your parameter once before the first IF statement

    I dont think IIF is a valid SQL keyword.

  • RE: Renaming table with current year

    Here is a simple example of adding a 4 digit year to the end of a table:

    CREATE TABLE testing(ID INT)


    SELECT @Q = 'sp_rename ''testing'', ''testing_' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, DATEPART(YEAR,...

  • RE: Renaming table with current year

    Have you tried doing it with dynamic SQL?

  • RE: Merging rows in a join

    Thanks Andras, I did not know about the XML PATH way. It seems to be working a lot better.

    I tested it on a small set of data to compare the...

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 49 total)