Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 23 total)

  • RE: INSERT INTO versus SELECT INTO data import strategy

    The file uploaded to us is that just a text file, one line of text is a record, each column is (x) characters long. Using a user-defined function in SQL...

  • RE: Best practices for sending a database to your client (schema & data)

    If your clients are using SQL Server 2005, I think, and later, you could use the .net framework and SMO to create an exe that restores the backup or runs...

  • RE: Ordering and Reordering

    I just did an export on some sample data.


    2111|6233|93|Safety||H|555-555-5555|W||M||W||W||W|||False|False|S|0||||1||||||2008-10-17 14:18:00|2||||||||False|

    2128|825|93|Plans||W||W||W||W||W||W|||False|True|S|0||||4||||||2008-10-17 14:20:00|2|Other|||||||False|

    2129|1867|93|Command||W||W||W||W||W||W|||False|True|S|0||||3||||||2008-10-17 14:20:00|2||||||||False|

    2130|3|93|Logistics||W||W||W||W||W||W|||False|True|S|0||||2||||||2008-10-17 14:19:00|2|LLC Asst. Center Manager|||||||False|

    2131|167|93|Safety||W||W||W||W||W||W|||False|True|S|0||||5||||||2008-10-17 14:20:00|2|Computer systems interaction designer|||||||False|

    2132|1|93|Operations||W||W||W||W||W||W|||False|True|S|0||||6||||||2008-10-17 14:20:00|2|Programmer|||||||False|

    2133|1134|93|Information||W||W||W||W||W||W|||False|True|S|0||||7||||||2008-10-17 14:20:00|2|Application Architect|||||||False|

    2135|680|93|Finance||W||W||W||W||W||W|||False|True|S|0||||8||||||2008-10-17 14:21:00|2|SCA Intern|||||||False|

    2136|2|93|Command||W||W||W||W||W||W|||False|True|S|0||||9||||||2008-10-17 14:21:00|2||||||||False|

    2137|6234|93|Operations||W||W||W||W||W||W|||False|True|S|0||||10||||||2008-10-17 14:21:00|2||||||||False|

    2138|70|93|Safety||W||W||W||W||W||W|||False|True|S|0||||11||||||2008-10-17 14:21:00|2|Public Information Officer|||||||False|


  • RE: Ordering and Reordering

    I have seen is done where you use temporary tables and timestamps, then by grouping and ordering you loop through each one updating the OrderID, but that is probably not...

  • RE: Backup Maintenance Plans

    OK. Thanks.

  • RE: An encoding I cannot put my finger on

    Thank you very much.

  • RE: An encoding I cannot put my finger on

    OK. How do I actually know about decoding it, however?

  • RE: Moving databases to different locations (paths)

    Thank you all very much. I will take this into consideration. I am most familiar with the backup/restore operations, so this seems like a good solution. Thanks...

  • RE: Moving databases to different locations (paths)

    The last time I tried a backup/restore a ran into some incompatibility issues between the two versions of SQL Server and my database. Is there a way to specify...

  • RE: Linked Server Dilemmas...

    It originally started with using those constructs, but they receive even more obscure errors like "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 reported an error..."  But a linked server route fixed that.  I wish we were...

  • RE: OpenDataSource quandary

    I am trying to open and query a Microsoft Access "like" database from SQL Server 2000 using OpenDataSource. This will work for a little while, but if...

  • RE: Transaction Syntax Best Practice

    OK.  Thanks.

  • RE: Disappearing table/columns kind of...

    Thank you so much for confirming what I already had thought.  This thing is riddled with lazy coding, no definite user workflow or progression, documentation, and the list goes on...

  • RE: Disappearing table/columns kind of...

    This usually happens when the user first comes to the application, so it is when the application needs to get data.  When I went through and audited the code, I...

  • RE: Disappearing table/columns kind of...


    @WFSAID int


    SELECT WFSA.*, FirstName, LastName, EmailAddress, LoginName FROM WFSA, WFSAUsers




    I personally do not like the FROM clause.  I was always taught to...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 23 total)