Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 196 through 210 (of 214 total)

  • RE: Results to txt file

    At a guess, I would say that as sp_generate_inserts is in the master database, it is looking in there (i.e. master) for a table.

    You should qualify the table name with the...

  • RE: Possible to Fail a job step via ExecuteSQLTask???

    What you are asking for is conditional processing based on a return value rather than fail a step.  There was a post on here somewhere (can't find it at the...

  • RE: how to Delete old data from an excel file through DTS

    Whenever I have had to do this sort of thing, I have always used an empty template of the excel workbook (often there are macros or other worksheets which have...

  • RE: Possible to Fail a job step via ExecuteSQLTask???



    if exists (

    select filename

    from tableA

    where Filename = 'SomeFile') begin


    raiserror('File found', 16, 1)




  • RE: Stored Proc Optimization Help

    If you generate the execution plan (paste the code into Query Analyser and press CTRL-L or select Query and then Display Estimated Execution plan on the menu), it will tell...

  • RE: Output to file and then Bulk Insert problems/questions

    A better way would be to use a function to separate the text column by the delimeter so that you can avoid exporting directly.

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.FAQ_ListToSingleColumn


        @cslist VARCHAR(8000)...

  • RE: Return the most recent row

    One way of doing this is as follows:

    SELECT id, resulted_test_desc, result_value, units, update_date

    FROM dbo.lab_result LEFT OUTER JOIN

    dbo.mpi ON dbo.lab_result.blind_key = dbo.mpi.chart LEFT OUTER JOIN

    dbo.mpi_xref ON dbo.mpi.chart = dbo.mpi_xref.blind_key

    WHERE resulted_test_desc =...

  • RE: Add quotes around every value

    So why don't you convert the list of values from your application into a table and then use this through an inner join?

    See for details - my preference would...

  • RE: return 0 when count=null

    You will have to use a left outer join to ensure that you get all the categories from FDIS_CLAIM:


    SELECT distinct

    substring (fdis_claim.claimset_id, 1,8) as "DATE",


     when substring (fdis_claim.claimset_id, 1,8) =...

  • RE: activeX script help...beginner

    I guess that if you connect to the TRANSROM server through Query Analyser you have no problems accessing the source table?

    If so, then I can only imagine that there is...

  • RE: activeX script help...beginner

    I'm not exactly sure.

    I think you can connect to an ODBC database within ActiveX which would allow you to execute queries (check exists, update or insert). 

    Alternatively, you could have...

  • RE: activeX script help...beginner

    If you use 3 level naming (database.owner.tablename) then it will not be a problem which connection you use.  If the tables are on different servers or instances on the same...

  • RE: activeX script help...beginner

    Personally I would not do the upsert (update/insert) in ActiveX because it is row by row processing and you may have performance problems.

    A better solution, IMHO, would be to load the...

  • RE: making tasks run parrallel in DTS?

    What you will need to do is to create one server connection per task - if you want to run 4 tasks in parallel you will need 4 separate connections...

  • RE: BCP across systems

    Why not use BULK INSERT? It is essetially BCP but runs as T-SQL so you would not be running a script - just a 'normal' SQL statement.



Viewing 15 posts - 196 through 210 (of 214 total)