Viewing 15 posts - 166 through 180 (of 212 total)
Not quite sure what you mean by 'parameter 1' but:
declare @bigvarchar varchar(1000)
set @bigvarchar = @name_of_variable
July 24, 2007 at 5:11 am
try putting square brackets around the object names:
select * from [ST_Rel_4.050_Test].[dbo].[sa_desk]
You probably only need it around the database name but I have shown it around all levels.
July 20, 2007 at 7:32 am
A bookmark lookup is when the query uses a non-clustered index to finds rows matching and then uses a clustered index to find the row in the table.
If you are...
July 19, 2007 at 6:25 am
I would load the data into a single table and then write queries from that table to insert into the normalised tables.
I'm not sure that you can do it all...
July 19, 2007 at 6:18 am
Have a look at
set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Open "c:/webdata/northwind.mdb"
set rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")rs.Open "exec stored_proce 'start_date', 'end_date'", conn
There are other ways of doing it like using command type and adding parameters but I cannot...
July 19, 2007 at 3:49 am
It is doing a full table scan because there is no usable index. AccountId is part of one index but it is not the first column in the index and...
July 19, 2007 at 3:19 am
Same as you would for return rows from a table:
create procedure Myproc @start_date datetime, @end_date datetime
select <columns>
from vw_summary
where sdate between @start_date and @end_date
July 19, 2007 at 2:50 am
As far as the error message, there is no way round it. Every column in the select has to be either in the Group By or part of an aggregate...
July 19, 2007 at 2:18 am
Have you got some data/ddl you can share with us?
July 18, 2007 at 9:47 am
Might be the cause of the problem!
Any other way of getting the SentTo information?
July 18, 2007 at 9:38 am
Check the size of the files first either using xp_cmdshell 'dir \\server\folder\*.txt'. You can put these results into a table and query that to determine the size. You could...
July 18, 2007 at 9:26 am
I guess that it is a 1 to Many between fn_getValidSubscriptions and tblcommunicationsSent.
The query is doing a distinct on tblCommunicationsSent.SentTo - and the number of Many in the relationship...
July 18, 2007 at 9:20 am
With the ZIP data, why cant you load the character data into an int column - wont SQL Server will do an implicit cast during the load?
July 18, 2007 at 9:05 am
Would vertical partitioning be of any benefit as you cannot normalise the data? If columns SN10 - SN60 are empty for most rows then you might not need to have...
July 18, 2007 at 7:47 am
Viewing 15 posts - 166 through 180 (of 212 total)