Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 602 total)

  • RE: SQL 2000 SP4 issue

    Hi, GMan.  Couple questions.

    What is the difference in the query plans? 

    Is the data the same across all environments?

    Are your linked servers all set up identically?


  • RE: Cluster account removed, instance down


    You might start it from the services applet from the cluster node that owns the resource group. Manually bring the disk resource online and start the service from the services applet. (Not...

  • RE: Performance of joins across filegroups

    ...And depending on whether the data is already in the buffer cache...


  • RE: Bankers Rounding

    "Yes, 2/3 can be represented as pair of integers.

    But is it?

    Is it in real life computing?

    Can you write down a function which will accept such representation(s)?"

    Yes I can. And I...

  • RE: Bankers Rounding

    Sorry Sergiy, not plaing that game.  My post was specifically in response to your claim that it is impossible to pass the value 2/3 as a parameter in a programming...

  • RE: Bankers Rounding

    Actually, I just need to look at the manual.  It shows clearly that the result of ((4/3)*3) is precisely 1.

    If it were impossible to precisely represent the fraction 2/3 in...

  • RE: Bankers Rounding

    Hi, I thought I'd chime in with a bit of information.  Axiom and Smalltalk both support rational fractions as data types.

    So one could pass 2/3 as a parameter in either of...

  • RE: Replication issue

    This is for SQL 90, but I believe that it would still apply.


    This error can occur because of an incorrect value for the join filter property...

  • RE: Merge Publications Subscription not Visible!

    There are two things I've seen that can cause similar behavior.

    1.  I didn't right-click and refresh my view.

    2.  The supscriptions are anonymous and I didn't check the "Show Anonymous Subscriptions"...

  • RE: Bankers Rounding

    It's because there is no such thing as the number 30.  30 represents any number of joins from 29.5 to 30.5, except at 3 picoseconds after midnight, when the correct...


    Hi Thinky,

    That looks like a completely different error to me.  The error message suggests that there is a data type mismatch between your source and destination.   I think you should...

  • RE: Bankers Rounding

    Interestingly, I put my nuts on the line with a simple illustration of how the Banker's Rounding can make things more fair, and our esteemed contrarian attempts to invalidate the...

  • RE: Point in time restore with differential backups

    Assuredly so!

    I was just trying to clarify for our OP that indicated he was having problems passing tests.

  • RE: Bankers Rounding

    Banker's rounding is used to even out problems caused when rounding is applied to a domain that is (hopefully) distributed across many values.   It's a pretty simple concept.


    I went to...

  • RE: Point in time restore with differential backups

    Actually the answer is not 100% correct.  You can do point in time with differential backups, provided that you also have transaction log backups covering the diff to point in...

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 602 total)