Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 602 total)

  • RE: Named Instances Through a Firewall

    Are you allowing TCP on SQL server's port number to pass for the cluster node's IP address?  The article states that the UDP service returns the physical node address instead...

  • RE: Transaction Level Sync between 2 sql server 2000 databases


    I think that your first step would be to check with the software manufacturer to see if they will support having two databases.  I can't recall any version of GP...

  • RE: NetBackup vs sql backups

    LiteSpeed is another awesome product for backups.  I've used it where the performance results justified the cost.  It is pretty expensive, but again you get what you pay for.

    IIRC, LiteSpeed...

  • RE: NetBackup vs sql backups


    SQL->DISK->TAPE is hardly a "best practice".  It is merely one way of doing it.   It can be difficult to manage and easily becomes unmanageable when there are simply too many...

  • RE: Procedures are timing out because of Index Defragmentation Job ...

    Hi Carl.  Can you cite any supporting documentation? 

    I know that rebuilding a clustered index will cause the non-clustered indexes to be rebuilt, according to the BOL, but I don't...

  • RE: EventID 824 Revisited


    I had a similar problem years ago.  This was eventually fixed by upgrading the SAN firmware.  It was an MSA1000.

    In our case, the database was not corrupted, but the in-memory pages...

  • RE: Failure changing collation on restored database

    After looking at the error message that the OP got and the one that I got in my simple recreation exercise it seems to me that one of the database objects...

  • RE: Failure changing collation on restored database


    Alter database shouldn't have any effect on current user data.  It's not going to change the collation of existing columns.

    It might be changing the collation of system metadata tables, however. The...

  • RE: Charting Perfmon counters

    Hi Jay Bee,

    You can set up perfmon counter logs to be written to the native binary file (the default) or you can use other formats.

    You can log to CSV, tab-delimited,...

  • RE: merge replication error


    I'm pretty sure that this is a known bug in SQL2000 with SP3.  It was corrected in build 818, which is available via a hotfix or security update.

    Based on your...

  • RE: A domain error occurred

    Try these two:

    print acos(2)


    select acos(2)

    The first returns a message "a domain error occurred" without raising an error.  I suppose it's a warning.

    The second returns the same message and a...

  • RE: Transaction Log Backup for smaller of two databases, takes much longer.


    Try running the second log backup first (or by itself)  and see if that makes a difference.

  • RE: SQL 2000 SP4 issue

    That is a puzzler.  I can't think of any reason why the optimizer would choose differently if the environments are exactly the same.  Maybe a missing index?

    Can you post the...

  • RE: Temprary Table performance

    Hi SQL Guru...

    Table variables exist in tempdb.  There is no such animal as "dropping down to tempdb".

    Check this out on a play server....

    set nocount on

    Create Table #T1 (tname sysname)

    Create Table...

  • RE: how to make sql server database case sensitive/insensitive

    There's more to it than altering the database-level collation.  This will have no effect on tables that were created before the change.  You need to re-create and reload the tables that have...

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 602 total)