Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 481 through 495 (of 602 total)

  • RE: Text File - How to use second row as column names

    Hopefully there is a better way, but I know of none.  I would use something to preprocess the file, removing the first line.  That something, in my world, would be...

  • RE: Exec problem

    It was quite the best job I've ever had, despite the complexity of what we had to accomplish.  And we weren't really selling fruit.

    We got purchased and asked to move...

  • RE: Exec problem

    I once worked with a web application that allowed managers to set accessibility to work units based on pick lists.  For example,

    User A can see orders that have Oranges and Apples, but...

  • RE: Exec problem

    And sometimes, you must resort to the "create a table for each user" solution, no matter what anybody says. 



  • RE: Using IN with varchar

    There is even a simpler answer:


    ...where [column name] in (@foo) ....

    does not work that way.

  • RE: Update Primary/Foreign Key Value

    And don't forget:

    "A table that has an INSTEAD OF trigger cannot also have a REFERENCES clause that specifies a cascading action. "



  • RE: Restoring MySQL Dump

    From somewhere on the IntarWeb:

    "A MySQL dump is a bit slower than a raw backup because it creates all the SQL queries required to create the tables of that database,...

  • RE: How are bit column stored?


    There are two cases that come to mind.  One of them would involve adding a bit to the tail of an index if the value was needed to cover a query,...

  • RE: How are bit column stored?

    You can create an index on a bit column using the normal CREATE INDEX syntax.  EM won't let you select a bit in an index.

    Also you can use QueryAnalyzer's GUI. ...

  • RE: Database becoming virtual single user system!


    Can you post the query and execution plan? Both from QA and production.  You can capture the plans in the profiler.


  • RE: Database becoming virtual single user system!

    Just a thought....

    Could it be that the application is only reading the first row of the resultset and then disconnecting or closing?  Not that it would be a good idea...

  • RE: PC specs?

    what is this thing you call "home"?

  • RE: PC specs?

    2x (Quad 3.06GHz P4 Xeon MP 16GB Ram, MSA1000 2Gb, 42x72GB 15K U160 SCSI), clustered.


  • RE: update, insert delete trigger help

    Here's an example of the use of the inserted table in a trigger:


    Create Trigger CustomerTruckInsert on CustomerTruck FOR Insert, Update

    not for replication


     Update CustomerTruck set DateLastChanged=getutcdate()   

     From [Inserted] , CustomerTruck


  • RE: Parsing data before storing

    Replace statements are not feasible (there would have to be literally thousands of them to check and replace all the things that couldbe wrong.

    Perhaps you have answered your own question. ...

Viewing 15 posts - 481 through 495 (of 602 total)