Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 181 through 195 (of 602 total)

  • RE: Replication Failure on Snapshot Creation ... Help?

    Do a select @@version and post back the results.

    It could very well be this

  • RE: Replication with errors

    I think the error happens when the distribution agent applies the snapshot at the subscriber.

  • RE: Replication with errors

    Did you try what the error message says to do?  Execute the BCP command manually to get the error results in a file called "errorfile". 

    I'd try that and see...

  • RE: Convert to For/Next


    Take a look here:

    open abc;

    fetch abc into @xfinal;

    close abc;

    Why are you using a cursor to fetch one row from a select query? 

  • RE: Using a field name in calculation

    Select fldProduct,[1],[2],[3],[4],[5]

    where fldOffset = 0


    Select fldProduct,NULL,[1],[2],[3],[4]

    where fldOffset = 1


    Select fldProduct,[2],[3],[4],[5],NULL

    where fldOffset = -1


    and so on


    P.S. you should not store data this way.


  • RE: Memory Leak & monitoring

    El Barto,

    If you are having "unable to allocate contiguous memory of XXXXX" type messages in your SQL error log, this is an indication of the MemToLeave type of memory error. ...

  • RE: Memory Leak & monitoring

    El barto,

    How do you know you are leaking memory?  Is there a specific message that receive?



  • RE: Publisher Identity Ranges

    Hi, check the publisher identity range at the distributor.  I had to manually update those to get a larger range.  distribution.dbo.MSrepl_identity_range.  I tried using the "Change Merge Article" sproc,...

  • RE: Any way to persist global variables?

    I think that you could write a wrapper that would do that. The properties and methods of the DTS Package object are exposed, so it shouldn't be very difficult.


    It would be...

  • RE: The 400,000 Member Milestone

    I think this definitively answers the age-old Ninjas vs Pirates debate.

    Thanks, and congratulations to all the winners!



  • RE: When To Use Cursors

    They both fail to run in zero seconds, but I use a binary collation.  Slackers!

    I would expect, however, that the difference would be on the order of .001% of the total execution time,...

  • RE: When To Use Cursors

    Hi Colin,

    Socratic Irony FTW! 

    So, it would seem, there are many ways around using cursors and what I described earlier is an example of a ridiculous workaround.  The cursor or...

  • RE: When To Use Cursors


    50 step job, one for each database.

  • RE: error when synchronizing to SQL server 2000

    You need to create the snapshot for the publication.  In the replication monitor on the distributor, open the Agents collection and look for the snapshot agent.  You should be able...

  • RE: When To Use Cursors

    Wow.  Just wow.

    Nice job Andy.  If you've helped one person, it was worth the effort.



Viewing 15 posts - 181 through 195 (of 602 total)