Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 166 through 180 (of 602 total)

  • RE: Question of the Day for 01 Mar 2007

    The question is somewhat completely and utterly wrong. 

    A where clause does not evaluate TO anything at all.  In this case there will never be any rows matching the filter (assuming the...

  • RE: XML in the Database

    My thoughts would be to use XML in the database only where a clear case for it can be justified, with a prejudice against.

    If my "job" was to store and retrieve XML...

  • RE: clustering setup

    As I recall, the installer wants to create the name in either WINS or DNS or both.  If someone has already created the name records, the installer will complain.

    I remember,...

  • RE: index corrupt with bit field

    "since its useless to add bit field in an index".

    Do you have any support for that bold statement?


  • RE: What is the default search technique in SQL 2000?

    This "default search algorithm" is to use the most applicable index in a way that minimizes resource usage based on the estimated results. 

    This can mean many things.  In your...

  • RE: xp_CDMShell ''''Path''''

    MyComputer >> Properties  Advanced tab.

    There is a button labeled "Environment Variables".  Therein you can set the system environment and the environment for the current user.

    This is on my XP box. ...

  • RE: How do I isolate an SP''''s parameter values inside the SP generically? Please read

    Wayne, I think you are trying to insert a uniform piece of code into each stored procedure that will figure out what the parameters and values are that were passed...

  • RE: sa with Great Plains SOX compliance.

    You can find out the hosname (usually) of a connection by running the sproc [master].[dbo].[sp_who2]

    It will list the login name, SPID, Hostname, and a bunch of other useful things.  If...

  • RE: SQL S2000 - Unable to Connect to SQL Server

    Hi Lester.  Where are you at with this?

    BOL 2005 did not screw up SQL 2000.  .NET didn't do it either, and don't try SP4 until your server is UP.  It's...

  • RE: xp_CDMShell ''''Path''''

    The safest way would be to specify the path to everything in the batch script.  That will insulate your highly-priviledged batch file from being affected by what other people, processes,...

  • RE: Binary_Checksum

    Here's what the BOL says:

    "BINARY_CHECKSUM(*), computed on any row of a table, returns the same value as long the row is not subsequently modified. BINARY_CHECKSUM(*) will return a different value...

  • RE: New Server Slower for a few Packages

    Sometimes the compiler gets it wrong, even with updated statistics.

    Can you post the showplan estimates before and after?  Might be able to figure it out.

  • RE: Question of the Day for 06 Feb 2007

    Six out of five dbas are bad at statistics.

  • RE: SQL Server hang


    since you can't ping the server, my guess would be that the problem isn't necessarily related to SQL.  The fact that you can't remotely access a SQL server at the...

  • RE: Inserting into Remote Database


    In my version of the [pubs] database, the job_id column has the identity property set.  That may be the cause of the insert problem.



Viewing 15 posts - 166 through 180 (of 602 total)