Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 59 total)

  • RE: DTS Problem

    As suggested above, you should be able to modify the transformation script of the data pump task.  This checks for any invalid date values.  Just edit this to include the correct...

  • RE: Retrieve GlobalVariables in an ExecuteSQLTask

    You can enter the input/output global variables for your SQL statement (e.g, SELECT ? as gvTest) in disconnected edit to get around obvious bugs in the SQL parser in the...

  • RE: Changing DTS to read-only, at runtime

    Processes recorded in master.dbo.sysprocesses which are running DTS pkgs have program_name='DTS Designer' but you can't tell which DTS pkgs they are running, so checking the processes will not help.  Also, once the pkg is "loaded" and started...

  • RE: dtsrun would not die

    If you have not done so already, you should try bouncing the service "MSSQLSERVER".  That will usually clean up processes like that.


  • RE: Issue in DTS using Store Proc. with Argument

    Are you doing error trapping in your s.p.:

    DECLARE @ErrorInsert INT, @ErrorUpdate INT, @ErrorFinal INT

    INSERT ...

    SET @ErrorInsert=@@ERROR

    UPDATE ...

    SET @ErrorUpdate=@@ERROR

    IF @ErrorInsert <> 0 SET @ErrorFinal=@ErrorInsert

    IF @ErrorUpdate <> 0 SET @ErrorFinal=@ErrorUpdate

    RETURN @ErrorFinal

    This will...

  • RE: DTS import from Oracle Rdb fails for numeric values

    That's really weird. 

    Also, if you need to use views for BIGINT CASTing be sure to keep the views as simple as possible.  Performance can degrade unexpectedly over time.  It's best to use a DTS...

  • RE: DTS import from Oracle Rdb fails for numeric values


    Using any version of the Rdb odbc 2.x/3.x driver I was not able to import the Rdb BIGINT datatype using a DTS datapump.  I got around this by creating a...

  • RE: Issue in DTS using Store Proc. with Argument

    Try adding "SET NOCOUNT ON" in your sp's.

    Also, check your server/database connection where your sp's are set to execute.  Maybe they are not set to what you think if these sp's...

  • RE: What to do to clean transaction logs in back up directory

    Check that your maintenance plan is not including databases that have simple recovery model.  Tlog backup step occurs before tlog cleanup step, so tlog backup step will fail for simple...

  • RE: Index scripts backups

    In case you have a need to do this outside of EM, here's an s.p. using SQLDMO.  Just pass the database name for the @db parameter, script file name for...

  • RE: Execute Package Task error

    Open up the execute-pkg-task and cut/paste the package name.  This will reset the package Id.  When moving DTS pkgs between servers (dev->test->prod) I do this for all these types of...

  • RE: Just-in Time Debugger for VBScript Not Launching for XP Client

    Thanks for the suggestion, but reinstalling the script debugger did not work.

    I found that account "SQLDebugger" (which is used by the script debugger) needs to be in group "Debugger Users". ...

  • RE: How Do you Specify Multiple Tables for DMO Script Method?

    I didn't find anything on how to specify more than 1 table on a call to the script method (which may be impossible).  But this doesn't matter since calling it...

  • RE: Adding IDENTITY to a primary key column of existing table

    Since "SET IDENTITY_UPDATE <table> ON" statement does not exist, you can't do ALTER TABLE <table> ALTER COLUMN <pk-col> IDENTITY.  So as rockmoose says you can only add the identity property to...

  • RE: UDF for BOTH Date & Time

    Great! Glad I could help out.


Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 59 total)