Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 15 total)

  • RE: classic asp ADO timeout problem with OleDB but ok with ODBC

    Hi Lowell,

    Which 3 items do you mean ?

    I've used :

    Connection.connectionTimeout = 120

    Command.CommandTimeout = 120

    Third one ?

    Thks in advance ^^

  • RE: Function call with field from a table as parameter

    Hi Sergiy.

    Of course you 're right ! In the example i'd better create a view, but in the real world, my problem is that I want to search for a...

  • RE: Function call with field from a table as parameter

    Hi GilaMonster

    In fact, you're right, this is a simplification just here to generate the error for convenience.

    But in the real world, I need to search...

  • RE: Insert/Update Trigger to replace column value

    I usually code this kind of trigger like this :

    create trigger trigger_name

    on table_name

    for update


       update table_name set LastUpdateDate = getdate()

        where exists (select * from inserted


  • RE: Run a dts package from outside DTS

    You can run it with a command line statement :

    dtsrun /Sserver /Uuser /Ppassword /Ndts_package_name

    correctly encapsulated to give corrects parameters.


  • RE: Accessing Excel File

    You can do that :

    EXEC sp_dropserver 'EXCELTEST', 'droplogins'


    EXEC sp_addlinkedserver N'EXCELTEST', N'Jet 4.0',


                       N'\\server\path\file.xls', NULL, N'Excel 5.0'


    EXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin N'EXCELTEST', false


    Then, you can :


  • RE: date formart


    if your rule is as the system datetime format,  (i.e. integer part = date and decimal part = nb secondes since 00:00), you can just use :


  • RE: Retrieving the ID of a record just inserted

    if your column is not IDENTITY qualified, you should consider encapsulation of the insertion in a stored proc with an output parameter returning the inserted value :

    1° Begin transaction


  • RE: Converting varchar dates to datetime

    ...predefined sure..., but things can go wrong when differents languages are used by different users with the same query (or proc) as the implicite conversion...

  • RE: Selecting and viewing (NOT deleting) duplicate rows in a table


    You can try the following :

    select inv_tag, count(distinct rm_id)

    from table1

    group by inv_tag

    having count(distinct rm_id) > 1


  • RE: send output to txt file

    I can imagine a solution based on the xm_cmdshell system proc like this :

    declare @FetchCustomerID varchar(5),

            @FetchCompanyName varchar(40),

            @WkCommand varchar(100)

    declare cursor_test cursor...

  • RE: sysperfinfo blues...

    I found an interresting article on this table saying that it's a pseudo table which SQL Server constructs on the fly only when...

  • RE: Trying to SUM on an alias field

    The syntax above (ISNULL) is simplier than your initial CASE, but you could also use it in the Group by :

    Select ...


  • RE: Trying to SUM on an alias field

    I think the point is as simple as :


    from ...



  • RE: Help using TOP n

    You can also use the TOP 1 syntax in the (select...) as below :

    use Northwind

    select as Tables,...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 15 total)