Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 151 through 165 (of 210 total)

  • RE: 2 mirrored drives or 6 smaller RAID 10 drives...????

    as a general rule of thumb, the more drives you can stripe your files accross the better your performance will be. Since in the first scenario your database files...

  • RE: Need some help. A question about which book I should get!

    As far as porting knowledge from MSSQL to MySQL, the language that you use to code and work with data is very similar. Structured Query Language is similar from...

  • RE: Monitoring user activities in sql server

    Be wary, as running profiler on a server can impose a performance overhead. As long as you are not doing a huge number of deletes, I would recommend catching...

  • RE: about differential backups

    Online backups are possible because as a database is being backed up, uncommitted transactions are saved to the transaction log. When the backup is completed, the transactions then are...

  • RE: Restoring of database

    Have you given the database sufficient time to restore onto your production server. It's possible that the restore is simply taking longer than you'd like. I would also check...

  • RE: restore bacjup from diff location

    The device is unnecessary and is adding another level of complexity. For simplicity why not simply restore directly from the file.


    FROM DISK='E:\backup\full.bak'


  • RE: SQL Counters dissapear after stopping and restarting SQL Server.

    You can kill all connections into a database for restore by detaching and re-attaching the database. This will kill all connections without having to stop and restart SQL.

  • RE: spaces in a command line

    Most command line executables will work with spaces in parameters if you wrap the argument in double quotes:

    -F"c:\program files\microsoft sql server\..."

  • RE: Moving database from one server to another

    You can "re-initialize" the database from the restore command. If you wish to restore a backup file to a database that does not exist simply use the WITH MOVE...

  • RE: Logging select statements

    Tracing the server is really the only way to accomplish this, since select statements are not captured in the transaction log.

  • RE: Restore Advice


    Take a current transaction log backup that contains all of the transations between 10am and the time you want to restore to.  Then perform a point-in-time restore up to the...

  • RE: How to Backup Large Transaction Log

    If you care about being able to restore the database to a particular point in time you should schedule periodic transaction log backups.  Each time your transaction log backup completes,...

  • RE: Database size

    Is there a reason that you are using a FAT32 filesystem. I would recommend backing up your files and reformatting the drive if possible. Even if you break...

  • RE: Database size

    You said that you were unable to change the size of the data file. This is not good and most likely the same problem that is causing the DTS...

  • RE: database(loading) after restoring from backup device

    Restore time is very hardward dependent. Especially if you have your data files lying on the same drive as your operating system (not recommended) you can expect your restore...

Viewing 15 posts - 151 through 165 (of 210 total)