Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 196 through 210 (of 236 total)

  • RE: Forum software

    I have had good success with PhpBB... it's pretty easy to hack, and it's free. I hacked the login so my users only have to log in to my site...

  • RE: Meeting Expectations

    Generally not. That's why I make such a big point in my blog about appearance and social skills. The person has to fit into the company culture.

  • RE: Meeting Expectations

    I wrote about this on my blog. I think people should be tested on what they say they know. If they don't pass the test, they don't get the job....

  • RE: Instant Querying

    I don't miss the QA. I thought I would, but once you get used to the interface of SSMS, it's pretty much the same thing as QA for 2000 was....

  • RE: Instant Querying

    Is anyone else frightened by this? The last thing I need is a bunch of people muckin around running 'queries' in our database. I worked in a company where almost...

  • RE: Sequel

    Pardon? What are you talkin about? (send links)

    I loved my Vega... until she threw a rod in the middle of Kansas one hot afternoon

  • RE: Sequel

    Yeah, you're talkin about the "Tesla". It's much more my style than the SUV pictured in the article, and way faster than any gas-powered car I've owned. It goes 250...

  • RE: Double-Take

    It is the first one I have gotten and I was not aware of the option to turn those off. It's possible that my previous copies of ads got picked...

  • RE: Double-Take

    I'll tell ya what happened for me when I got this message.

    1. I opened the email as I always do when it comes from this site.

    2. I began to read...

  • RE: Send Your Feedback

    Where is the photograph from? Alaska?

  • RE: The Twentysomethings

    I think the article is a little off. Tech skills are improving across the board with all job descriptions, but programming ability and business sense are totally lacking in the...

  • RE: One''s Missing

    I know Steve, that's what I've been saying. For him to say your lying, when anyone with any experience should know exactly what you're talking about, well that's just wrong,...

  • RE: One''s Missing

    Nice analysis, but you're missing the point.

    What I'm saying is that an experienced programmer who understands how these machines work and what people really use them for, wouldn't be questioning...

  • RE: One''s Missing

    I read this article a while back, and yeah I was pretty surprised that SQL wasn't on the list. I think the article missed the mark though. It focused on...

  • RE: Monoculture

    This is the same thing we see in biological populations. Homogeneous genetics increases the population's vulnerability to a single attack, but heterogeneous populations suffer from disagreements between individuals. It doesn't...

Viewing 15 posts - 196 through 210 (of 236 total)