Forum Replies Created

Viewing 5 posts - 121 through 125 (of 125 total)

  • RE: sql returning no records when search field left blank

    I like Kemps answer (reads easier).  Is your problem not maybe somewhere else, like the city field is blank? Try excluding portions of your query to prove it.

  • RE: slow combobox

    The user is not going to scroll through a 50000 long combo box. If it is Surnames for example, he would like to type the first 1 or 2...

  • RE: Dts-import fails -Exception access violation

    If you are running the DTS package as a job, your SQL agent needs access to the operating system file. That means your sql agent must be started with...

  • RE: Date Problem in Query

    You can solve the problem Terry explained by converting the date to an explicit format:

    select ec_type,code,msgid from emc_messageinfo where datediff( dd,convert(datetime, msgdate, 113),convert (datetime,'02 AUG 2004 16:15:04',113))=0


  • RE: Mini Disaster - AC Failure

    We now have 2 AC's, temperature monitoring that send SMS's every 2 deg C after reaching 22 deg C (about 72 deg F), UPS and generator. But in the...

Viewing 5 posts - 121 through 125 (of 125 total)